Re: Updated version of "Buy standards compliant web sites"

scripsit Dominique Hazaėl-Massieux:
> I consider that the article is mostly in its final form now, but I'm
> still of course very interested in comments, suggestions and
> corrections.


I have some editorial suggestions (minor grammar/style fixes).  What
would be your preferred format for that?  I could send you (off-list)
the HTML source with <del> and <ins> elements marking changes, or an file with change history.

On a related note, are W3C documents like this meant to conform always to
U.S. usage?  Is there a preferred style, i.e., Associated Press versus
Chicago Manual of Style versus American Psychological Association?

Thanasis Kinias
Doctoral Student, Department of History
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona, U.S.A.

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Received on Wednesday, 21 August 2002 11:28:37 UTC