Re: SWAD-Europe tshirt again

Libby Miller <> wrote:
>If you'd like to comment on the design, please do so here, by the end of
>this week.
Looks great to me, and I have no strong opinions on brain stems or
slogan wording...

>We will also need to look into how many languages to put on the back
... but I of course have to suggest adding Danish to the list of
languages. :)

Danish version:
"og det eneste vi fik var denne dumme t-shirt"
(replace "vi" with "jeg" for "I" instead of "we".)

In any case, put me down for at least a couple.

Morten Frederiksen
A foolish hobgoblin has a mind of little consistency!
<URL: >

Received on Tuesday, 9 December 2003 17:16:58 UTC