Visit to MINDSWAP SemWeb group at UMD

I arranged at short notice to visit Jim Hendlers' group at University
of Maryland next week (most of this will be funded by a non-SWADE
source).  I forgot to report here that I got this arranged since I've
been on holiday.

The group home page is

The general idea was to do a bit of SWAD Europe <-> US coordination
and networking but some more concrete things such as:

  Update each other on what the respective projects and groups are doing.

  Work on semantic web storage and data issues.  
    This relates to SWADE WP 10 deliverable 10.3, starting 1 Oct and
    includes updating the scalable storage and rdbms reports,
    benchmarking stores and maybe collecting and sharing of semantic
    web datasets.

  Give a presentation to the UMD semweb class students.

  Learn about Parka and DAML-S.

  Help the UMD people working with Redland (my RDF system).

  W3C semweb standards work (Jim co-chairs WebOnt, I'm on RDF Core).

  Working out other common areas of work for the future.

  Teaching the semantic web.

  A bit of blueskying on what tools, data, documents are missing.

plus possibly some other non semweb related stuff :)


Received on Tuesday, 17 September 2002 06:24:02 UTC