Thinking behind the DC2002 workshop

At the request of danbri I am forwarding this excerpted stuff that covers the
thinking, so it is archived and visible.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From Dan Brickley:
Charles suggested we do a SWAD-Europe workshop during DC2002. Libby
suggested substring searching etc., so I was wondering whether we
might propose a SWAD-E workshop on the themes below
Dave Beckett wrote:
> RDF has now been accepted in a variety of contexts, connecting
> digital library, knowledge representation, weblog syndication,
> commercial and open source applications.  Despite this, groups
> seeking to use RDF face a number of hurdles.
> This paper outlines some deployment issues surrounding the
> practical use of RDF, and proposes four implementation features as
> priorities for RDF query and storage systems: (i) RDF schema
> sub-property, (ii) phrase, substring and text searching on
> literals, (iii) provenance tracking of RDF statements and (iv)
> smarter aggregation algorithms (or 'smushing').
> We discuss each of these features, and relate them to the
> practicalities of widescale Dublin Core deployment in the Semantic
> Web.  We assert that when (i)-(iv) are implemented in widely
> available RDF tools, the Semantic Web will be deployable.

Received on Monday, 16 September 2002 09:42:41 UTC