SWAD-E deliverables - finding out what they are.

Hi all,

I've been looking through a few tools Dan and I worked on to try and
track SWAD-e events, especially for Kate.

This was because we did get deliverables to palm working and this
month's deliverables poppped up on my palm....! This needs a bit more
work though (there's the probablility of making a horrible mess with
duplicates at the moment) - so I'll send a separate note about that

So I noticed that in addition to Dave's report and Kate's first
management report we are due to do a dissemination and use plan by the
end of this month. Dan, Charles and I are on the hook for that - we'll
be looking at it this week.

<rdf:Description  rdf:about="http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/Europe/plan/workpackages/live/esw-wp-3.html#del_3.5">
 <pm:deliv_lead_email rdf:resource="mailto:danbri@w3.org" />
 <pm:deliv_interest_email rdf:resource="mailto:libby.miller@bristol.ac.uk" />
 <pm:deliv_interest_email rdf:resource="mailto:charles@w3.org" />

I thought I'd better write up some of what we did for future
reference, and so that people have a better idea of what
we can do with SWAD-Europe management tools as they stand.

You can see the deliverables due using my calendar tool:



I generated the information from the raw deliverables in RDF output:


which were in turn generated using Dan's Perl program from the
workpackages in xhtml

Perl program:


sample xhtml file:


I used Dan's Ruby code to generate a pseudo RSS+events file from the raw


and also combined the deliverables information with the information from
the face to face about who is responible for which deliverable, so
that we get the combined information - what is to be done, and who is

who does what file:


Squish query used:

select ?deliv, ?email, ?num, ?date, ?dd,
(pm::deliv_lead_email ?deliv ?email)
(pm::name ?deliv ?dd)
(pm::number ?deliv ?num)
(pm::realDateDue ?deliv ?date)
 pm for http://www.w3.org/2002/02/esw/pm#
foaf for http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/'

We need more tools to help with this sort of thing - such as - a tool
which tells me what I'm supposed to be delivering when, for example.
Any other ideas - especially from Kate - would be very welcome.


Received on Monday, 22 July 2002 06:31:06 UTC