URIs for deliverable reports?

Hi all, but mostly Dan and Libby.

I am trying t oput together the report for deliverable 3.6:
dev_workshop_report_1 (the image annotation and EARL workshop held in
Bristol). I know that you are using RDF scraping tools in the SWAD-E web
content, and the README stuff there says this relies on constraints beyond
just "valid XHTML/CSS" (my normal constraints). I see that tehre are also
style sheets designed in that area.

First and most important question is whether there are particular URI
conventions you are using for the scraping to RDF - i.e. should my report go
in a particular place?

Second (which is not so urgent) is what styylesheets I should use, etc, and
how much I should just figure out for myself.



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Received on Tuesday, 9 July 2002 23:06:42 UTC