Re: deliverable 10.2 scalable RDBMS mapping report

>>>Libby Miller said:
> I think the intention of this deliverable is ambigious:
> [[
> Month 5: (10.2: scalable_rdbms_mapping_report) Public report on mapping
> data from RDBMS. This
>             will describe current best practice on using existing RDBMS
> or other storage systems for general
>             Semantic Web data. (2 months, report, Pub.)
> ]]
> 'mapping from' seems rather different to 'mapping to', i.e. you could
> have existing data in RDBMS and map it to RDF, or you could be storing
> general RDF in RDBMS. This deliverable seems to cover both. Do we think
> this is the case? I think it should :)

I wrote it to be flexible and indeed wanted to and from them in the
scope.  Jan and I have started sketching notes in the draft area.

It also can cover "other storage systems" that are not RDBMSes.


Received on Wednesday, 21 August 2002 08:53:52 UTC