SKOS Instance V Classes

Hi all, I have a question (that I hope you have not covered before …if so…please send the archive links…)

Having developed a number of SKOS vocabs over the years (across different domains) I am constantly faced with the challenge of developing a “vocabulary” that supports both the SKOS model (ie terms are instances of skos:Concept) and terms that are also owl:Classes - to enable standard inferencing.

Here is a simple example:

vocab:SmokingVariety a skos:ConceptScheme, owl:Class ;
            rdfs:subClassOf vocab:Vocabulary ;
            skos:prefLabel "Smoking Variety"@en-uk .

vocab:cigarette a skos:Concept, owl:Class ;
            skos:prefLabel "Cigarette"@en-uk ;
            skos:definition "Processed tobacco, manufactured into cylinder made of paper."@en-uk ;
            rdfs:subClassOf vocab:SmokingVariety ;
            skos:topConceptOf vocab:SmokingVariety .

Are there any best-practices in this context?



Received on Monday, 29 January 2024 04:12:19 UTC