Re: Best API to consume SKOS data

Hi Philippe (and everyone), TemaTres is an open source web tool to manage
formal representations of knowledge (Taxonomies, Thesauri, list,
glossaries, etc ).
It is not a tool specificallly oriented to consume Skos-core, but can
import and export from Skos-core (and many other formats). Tematres exposes
a specialized web services to facilitate any reuse scenarios. In addition
it provides a SPARQL endpoint.

There is a familiy of tools around the Tematres API, for example:
PortalThes: a web tool to publish and reuse services provided by vocabulary
(massive analysis, keyword extraction, feedback term suggestions, etc)

PopTerms: a web tool to non intrusive integration with metadata management


Here are some other examples:

About TemaTres:
Cases in TemaTres:
Gihub TemaTres:
TemaTres Demo:
TemaTres documentation:

Please let me know if you have any questions or doubt. We can try to test
the LOD vocabulary in experimental environment.

Best regards

El jue., 12 mar. 2020 a las 13:29, Michon, Philippe (PCH) (<>) escribió:

> Hi,
> The *Canadian Heritage Information Network* has produced a LOD vocabulary
> based on SKOS and we are now looking to provide an API to consume our
> dataset.
> For the moment, we have JSKOS, SKOSMOS and OpenSKOS on our radar but we
> would like to get some user reviews before going forward.
> If you have already used one of these APIs or another one, I would
> appreciate to get your feedback to help us in our decision.
> I’m using this mailing list for the first time, I hope my question is
> relevant for this group.
> Best,
> Philippe Michon
> Semantic Web Analyst
> Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN)
> Department of Canadian Heritage, Government of Canada
> Analyste en web sémantique
> Réseau canadien d'information sur le patrimoine (RCIP)
> Ministère du Patrimoine canadien, Gouvernement du Canada

Diego Ferreyra

Received on Tuesday, 17 March 2020 20:52:55 UTC