Re: SHACL SKOS library Re: S36 implementation details

Just saw this thread by accident... Note that the SKOS file (bundled 
with TopBraid 5.1 under TopBraid/SKOS/skos.shapes.ttl) is a bit 
outdated: since I created it, SHACL was extended with various built-ins 
that make the syntax a bit easier to digest (for example 
sh:uniqueLang=true is now built-in and disjointness can be expressed via 
sh:notEquals). So please regard this particular version of the SKOS 
library as ongoing work. It certainly deserves more attention than this 
quick proof of concept.


On 20/01/2016 7:01 PM, Osma Suominen wrote:
> It was even released by Holger Knublauch on the SHACL mailing list:
> -Osma
> 20.01.2016, 10:46, Osma Suominen wrote:
>> Hi Antoine!
>> I just noticed this item in the TopBraid 5.1.0 release notes [1]:
>> - Feature: Added SHACL library for SKOS constraints.
>> So apparently SHACL rules for SKOS constraints have already been
>> developed (by TopQuadrant I assume). Which is maybe not a big surprise,
>> since they've had SPIN rules for SKOS for quite some time and SHACL is
>> in some ways a successor of SPIN (with TopQuadrant represented in the
>> SHACL WG) and SKOS ICs were also one of the initial use cases for SHACL
>> [2].
>> -Osma
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> 18.01.2016, 09:32, Antoine Isaac kirjoitti:
>>> Thanks a lot, Osma!
>>> This is really good to have.
>>> And in a way confirms the interest of wait-and-seeing until we can 
>>> start
>>> playing with SHACL / RDF Shapes (arguably closer to SPIN).
>>> To come back to Simon's comment. Yes OWL2 is good, but having an OWL1
>>> representation already allows to use SKOS in OWL2 context (i.e. it
>>> specifies which classes and properties are in the SKOS vocabulary). 
>>> What
>>> we're missing then is a handful of contraints from the SKOS model, 
>>> which
>>> OWL2 may anyway not allow one to capture in the way most people would
>>> need them (i.e. in a 'closed-world' manner).
>>> Best,
>>> Antoine
>>> On 1/18/16 8:18 AM, Osma Suominen wrote:
>>>> On 17/01/16 12:29, Antoine Isaac wrote:
>>>>> I'm actually a bit surprised I couldn't find a trace of an earlier
>>>>> attempt...
>>>> Are you perhaps referring to Paul Hermans' series of blog posts from
>>>> 2010 where he attempted to express some of the SKOS ICs using OWL2 and
>>>> SPIN? His conclusion at the time was that most of them couldn't be
>>>> represented in OWL2.
>>>> The blog is long gone now but the posts are still available thanks to
>>>> the Internet Archive:
>>>> There is also some commentary on the topic on Holger Knublauch's blog
>>>> (obviously promoting SPIN):
>>>> -Osma

Received on Wednesday, 20 January 2016 09:33:27 UTC