Re: Call for Papers: The role of the thesaurus in modern information retrieval

Dear Stella, (copy to SKOS community)

If I had time (but I haven't) I would develop the relation between the 
need for Thesauri
and the need for each of us to control our "information diet",
this speech being a real enlightenment:

Working on thesauri would be a regular exercise for "information 
consumers" (individuals or Community of Practice) to align their 
conceptual worlds (indexation+classification scheme) to their research 
... To cook their (information) food to make it enjoyable, measured 
(avoid info-obesity) and digestible ...

Thesauri (and their technical evolution SKOS) perceived decline is only 
due to this immense difficulty to discipline ourselves in our relation 
to ubiquitous information.
Ah, if I was only able to practice methodologies I preach!

Wishing you a very nice day!


Christophe Dupriez
Faubourg Saint Martin 22
B-5570 Beauraing
Twitter @ChristopheDupri

Le 14/05/2015 11:29, Stella Dextre Clarke a écrit :
> Dear Colleagues,
> A special issue of the journal /Knowledge Organization/ is planned to 
> follow up on widespread interest awakened by ISKO-UK’s “Great Debate” 
> (See the report of the meeting together with slides and audio 
> recordings at <> and the blog 
> article at 
> <>). 
> Even though supporters of the thesaurus won the day on 19^th February, 
> it cannot be denied that the role of the thesaurus in Information 
> retrieval has changed from what it once was.
> The aim of the special issue will be to clarify what has happened and 
> why, and to consider what the relevant semantic structures and tools 
> are now and for the future. Questions to be addressed include:
> 1.What are the contexts and circumstances in which the thesaurus is or 
> is not still a useful tool?
> 2.If the thesaurus has no place in a modern IR system, what could 
> replace it and why?
> What weaknesses and issues have led to the decline of the thesaurus, 
> and how can they be addressed?
> Should the thesaurus be replaced by some other form of KOS? If so, 
> what sort of KOS and why? How to choose between the options?
> 3.If the thesaurus does have a place, what and where is that place?
> Should the thesaurus be complemented by some other type of KOS? If so, 
> what type of KOS and how should they complement each other?
> How should the thesaurus be adapted and integrated to fit with the 
> other components of a modern information retrieval system?
> 4.Can we describe key features and functions of the software and other 
> tools needed to manage today’s thesauri?
> Contributions are solicited on part or all of the above questions, or 
> on similar topics that address the general theme. To provide 
> perspective, we are also looking for an article charting the decline 
> of the thesaurus and describing main features of the modern IR 
> semantics and systems that may have supplanted it. Contributions may 
> take the form of a full-length paper conforming to the instructions on 
> ISKO’s website at <>, or can be short 
> communications reflecting the spirit of a continuing debate. In the 
> first instance, please submit a proposal expressing your interest, by 
> 31st May, to Stella Dextre Clarke <> and Judi 
> Vernau <>, who will act as guest editors for this issue.
> Stella Dextre Clarke
> -- 
> *****************************************************
> Stella Dextre Clarke
> Vice-Chair, ISKO UK and Vice-President, ISKO
> Luke House, West Hendred, Wantage, OX12 8RR, UK
> Tel: 01235-833-298
> Fax: 01235-863-298
> *****************************************************
> -- 
> *****************************************************
> Stella Dextre Clarke
> Vice-Chair, ISKO UK and Vice-President, ISKO
> Luke House, West Hendred, Wantage, OX12 8RR, UK
> Tel: 01235-833-298
> Fax: 01235-863-298
> *****************************************************

Received on Friday, 15 May 2015 09:27:47 UTC