Call for Papers: The role of the thesaurus in modern information retrieval

Dear Colleagues,

A special issue of the journal /Knowledge Organization/ is planned to 
follow up on widespread interest awakened by ISKO-UK’s “Great Debate” 
(See the report of the meeting together with slides and audio recordings 
at <> and the blog article at 
Even though supporters of the thesaurus won the day on 19^th February, 
it cannot be denied that the role of the thesaurus in Information 
retrieval has changed from what it once was.

The aim of the special issue will be to clarify what has happened and 
why, and to consider what the relevant semantic structures and tools are 
now and for the future. Questions to be addressed include:

1.What are the contexts and circumstances in which the thesaurus is or 
is not still a useful tool?

2.If the thesaurus has no place in a modern IR system, what could 
replace it and why?

What weaknesses and issues have led to the decline of the thesaurus, and 
how can they be addressed?

Should the thesaurus be replaced by some other form of KOS? If so, what 
sort of KOS and why? How to choose between the options?

3.If the thesaurus does have a place, what and where is that place?

Should the thesaurus be complemented by some other type of KOS? If so, 
what type of KOS and how should they complement each other?

How should the thesaurus be adapted and integrated to fit with the other 
components of a modern information retrieval system?

4.Can we describe key features and functions of the software and other 
tools needed to manage today’s thesauri?

Contributions are solicited on part or all of the above questions, or on 
similar topics that address the general theme. To provide perspective, 
we are also looking for an article charting the decline of the thesaurus 
and describing main features of the modern IR semantics and systems that 
may have supplanted it. Contributions may take the form of a full-length 
paper conforming to the instructions on ISKO’s website at 
<>, or can be short communications reflecting the 
spirit of a continuing debate. In the first instance, please submit a 
proposal expressing your interest, by 31st May, to Stella Dextre Clarke 
<> and Judi Vernau <>, who will 
act as guest editors for this issue.

Stella Dextre Clarke

Stella Dextre Clarke
Vice-Chair, ISKO UK and Vice-President, ISKO
Luke House, West Hendred, Wantage, OX12 8RR, UK
Tel: 01235-833-298
Fax: 01235-863-298

Stella Dextre Clarke
Vice-Chair, ISKO UK and Vice-President, ISKO
Luke House, West Hendred, Wantage, OX12 8RR, UK
Tel: 01235-833-298
Fax: 01235-863-298

Received on Thursday, 14 May 2015 09:29:50 UTC