Question: What is Best Practice for a Catalog of ConceptScheme mapping



Good Concept Scheme mappings are valuable assets that may be put in a linked data catalog.

What is the best practice to do this?


I have considered VoID ( as one of the vocabularies allowing to express the relationship(s) between the mapped concept schemes and the used mapping property.

In the illustration below

- The mapping is a Linkset (and a dataset) http://myDScatalog/ConceptSchemeMapping/AgroVoc-EuroVoc

- The linkset characterized by the linking properties (linkPredicate) skos:exactMatch and skos:closeMatch.

- The mapped skos:ConceptScheme are detailed by datasets in my Dataset catalog.

- The dataset description can use (multiple) void:vocabulary properties to indicate the dataset can be processed using any of the following RDF schema




- The linkset identifies the mapped dataset using void:subjectsTarget and the void:objectsTarget

   (though the distinction between source and subject is less relevant in the given example – because the link predicates listed are symmetric)




Thanks for advice.


Kind Regards,


Johan De Smedt 

Chief Technology Officer


mail:  <>

mobile: +32 477 475934



Received on Monday, 2 September 2013 11:23:10 UTC