RE: how to: ordered collection of a Concept

The specific topic was how to order the children of a *Concept*.
I take Leonard's suggestion to use an *anonymous* subordinateArray under the concept.
Does anyone have a better suggestion?


This below is about ordering in general.

> Ordering is not so common (not saying that it's super-rare, but it's certainly not the majority of cases). Most applications (except the
> very applications that are dedicated to building or viewing 'ordered schemes') that we've seen don't really use them.

I had the same hunch...
Does anyone know any TMS (thesaurus management system) that consumes the rdf:List of a skos:OrderedCollection?

It's a bit tricky to produce that list, but it *is* the current standard way, so we'll do it.
Gregg, given a parent P and its *ordered* children C1..Cn, can you come up with queries to return:
- <P,C1>
- <P,Ci,Ci+1> for i=1..n-1
- <P,Cn>

We'll also use 2 more mechanisms:
- custom field gvp:sortOrder
- store triples in order (a total order of concepts that respects their sibling order). OWLIM happens to preserve order in result sets

> The current skos:(Order)Collection construct has the benefit of not standing in the path of consuming data. It is really an extra layer on
> top of the simple hierarchy. People interested in the order can exploit it if they want. Those who don't care will very safely ignore it.

Oh, I agree with the rdf:List construct. 
What was missing until now was a way to put it under a concept or another collection. 
ISO adds that.

Received on Wednesday, 13 November 2013 08:47:10 UTC