Reminder: Survey on Controlled Vocabulary Quality

Dear All,

Since more than a month now, the University of Vienna (Research Group
Multimedia Information Systems [1]) and the Semantic Web Company [2] are
conducting a survey on "Perception and Relevance of Controlled Vocabulary
Quality Issues". Due to your broad participation we were already able to
collect numerous valuable contributions. However, if you missed our
original announcement email or were not able to contribute so far - it's
not too late :) The survey is still open until end of November at

and is aimed at practitioners who are using or who are planning to use
controlled vocabularies in their organisation. The questionnaire can be
answered anonymously. Similar to our preceding survey from last year [3]
we will publish the results as a scientific contribution so the community
can gain a better knowledge on how to create and use controlled

Thank you very much for your help and cooperation!

Christian Mader

[3] Do Controlled Vocabularies Matter? Download report here

Dipl.-Ing. Christian Mader
Research Associate

University of Vienna
Faculty of Computer Science
Währinger Straße 29/5.40, A-1090 Vienna, Austria

T +43-1-4277-788 41
F +43-1-4277-8 788 41 |

Received on Monday, 29 October 2012 08:41:20 UTC