Re: Using DBpedia resources as skos:Concepts?

Hi François-Paul

There is a consensus to use foaf:focus for this, at least major users of
SKOS (hereafter OCLC) use it

See e.g., the VIAF identifier for Michelle Obama
In there is one concept defined for
each VIAF concept source (concept scheme),
e.g., for BNF :

<skos:Concept rdf:about=""><skos:inScheme
Michelle, 1964-</skos:prefLabel><foaf:focus

As for distinction between the concept and the page about it, seems to me
the general consensus is to consider a skos:Concept as a non-information
resource, so it should have a URI distinct from the one of the page
representing it.



2012/11/12 François-Paul Servant <>

> Hi,
> people seem to agree to keep SKOS concepts and "real world things" (such
> as those identified by dbPedia URIs) in separate spaces:
> dbPedia:Michelle_Obama is not a skos:Concept.
> What property should be used to link a SKOS concept to the corresponding
> "real world thing"?
> One suggestion in the thread is to use umbel:linksEntity. Is there
> agreement on a given property?
> Are SKOS concepts to be considered as "Non Information Resource"? (and
> must we therefore use 303-redirect for SKOS concepts identified by slash
> URIs?) The word "concept" seems to imply that they are. But:
> <quote>skos:Concept is basically a "library business object", likely to
> bear properties such as Dublin Core (created, modified, creator,
> publisher)</quote>. It looks like they are not very different from a
> document: are there reasons to distinguish between a SKOS concept and the
> web page about it?
> Thanks,
> fps

*Bernard Vatant
Vocabularies & Data Engineering
Tel :  + 33 (0)9 71 48 84 59
 Skype : bernard.vatant
Blog : the wheel and the hub <>

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Received on Monday, 12 November 2012 13:41:22 UTC