Re: future of SKOS constraint S12 in an RDF 1.1 world?

Hi Bob,

That is unusual that the SKOS spec did not allow for xsd:string
literals at the time. People have been typing string literals as
xsd:string since well before SKOS came around.

If one interprets the SKOS spec liberally with respect to RDF-1.1 then
it would make sense to simply read "plain literals" as "xsd:string
typed literals". The basis for this pragmatic change would be that
"plain literals" will have no meaning soon, even if RDF-1.0 documents
are still going to be readable by RDF-1.1 parsers.

Is it a big issue to change the SKOS spec?



On 2 May 2012 23:00, Bob DuCharme <> wrote:
> At the SKOS
> spec says the following for constraint S12: "The rdfs:range of each of
> skos:prefLabel, skos:altLabel and skos:hiddenLabel is the class of RDF plain
> literals." As I understand this, the triple {:myConcept1 skos:prefLabel "my
> home page"^^xsd:string} violates this constraint, but wouldn't if the object
> was just "my home page".
> At, the RDF 1.1
> Concepts and Abstract Syntax says "This section is a major departure from
> RDF 2004 as simple literals are now treated as syntactic sugar for
> xsd:string typed literals."
> If simple literals are treated as xsd:string typed literals, what would this
> mean for constraint S12?
> thanks,
> Bob

Received on Wednesday, 2 May 2012 23:01:13 UTC