Re: UDEF Representation in RDF

Dear Chris,

I did not have the opportunity to react during the first round, but may jump in for this one! I guess others on this list may, too--the discussion seem to have been good. But some of the links below are not accessible. Especially

Reading this thread, I see it was suggested to represent the properties in UDEF as RDFS/OWL properties as well as SKOS concepts (such dual typing is possible). Is that still part of the current plan?



> Hi -
> Thanks, Arnold! I've added comments to your comments. We'll postpone the vote until the discussion is complete.
> Regards,
> Chris
> ++++
> Chris Harding
> On 4 Jun 2012, at 14:42, Overeem, Arnold van wrote:
>> I have added my initial feddback in the wiki:
>> Vriendelijke groet / Regards / Gruß / С уважением / Terveisin / εγκάρδια / Saludos
>> Arnold van Overeem
>> Global Architect
>> Tel: (+31) (0) 6 54 774715     Grip 91073 (weblog)
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Overeem, Arnold van
>>> Sent: Monday, June 04, 2012 2:27 PM
>>> To: 'Chris Harding'; All UDEF Interested Parties; Simon Spero; public-
>>>; richard.parent; Alan Doniger
>>> Subject: RE: UDEF Representation in RDF
>>> Hi Chris,
>>> I'll add my feedback in the wiki
>>> Vriendelijke groet / Regards / Gruß / С уважением / Terveisin /
>>> εγκάρδια / Saludos
>>> Arnold van Overeem
>>> Global Architect
>>> Tel: (+31) (0) 6 54 774715     Grip 91073 (weblog)
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Chris Harding []
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 11:43 AM
>>>> To: All UDEF Interested Parties; Simon Spero;;
>>>> richard.parent; Alan Doniger
>>>> Subject: Re: UDEF Representation in RDF
>>>> Hi -
>>>> There hasn't been anything new on this discussion for a while, so
>>> it's
>>>> time to make some conclusions. Unless anyone objects, here's what I
>>>> propose we do.
>>>> 1. The core UDEF, and each associated UDEF vocabulary, shall have a
>>>> base representation in RDF, plus other representations that will be
>>>> mechanically derivable from the base representation and available for
>>>> the convenience of applications that use particular representation
>>>> formats. The derived representations shall include RDFS Class, SKOS,
>>>> XML, and HTML representations.
>>>> 2. Each node of each UDEF vocabulary shall have its own URI. This
>>> shall
>>>> consist of a base URI that identifies the vocabulary, the #
>>> character,
>>>> and a fragment that identifies the node. For an object class node,
>>> the
>>>> fragment shall be the string "UDEF-" followed by the UDEF object
>>> class
>>>> id. For a property node, the fragment shall be the _ character
>>> followed
>>>> by the UDEF property id.
>>>> 3. The base URI for the core UDEF vocabulary shall be
>>>>  This means that the URIs
>>>> for existing nodes of the UDEF vocabulary - see
>>>> - will not change.
>>>> 4. The base representation shall include, for each node, for each
>>>> language in which that node is defined, a statement assigning to the
>>>> node an rdfs:label for that language consisting of the UDEF label for
>>>> the node in that language.  (Eg "Weather.Natural.Environment" for
>>> UDEF
>>>> object class node a.a.4 in the English language.) There may also be a
>>>> statement assigning to the node an rdfs:comment for that language
>>>> consisting of the UDEF description for the node in that language.
>>>> 5. An object property has_Connected_Node will be defined. For any
>>> node
>>>> of the core UDEF that has a connected node in another UDEF
>>> vocabulary,
>>>> the base representation of the core UDEF shall include a statement
>>> with
>>>> the URI of the core vocabulary node as subject, has_Connected_Node as
>>>> predicate, and the URI of the connected node as object, and the base
>>>> representation of the other vocabulary shall include an inverse
>>>> statement.
>>>> 6. An HTTP GET request to the base URI shall return a set of RDF
>>>> statements about the vocabulary. (The precise nature of these
>>>> statements is to be determined.)
>>>> 7. The RDFS Class representation of a vocabulary shall consist of the
>>>> core representation plus a set of RDF statements that define each
>>> node
>>>> as an RDFS class and relate each node to its parent by the
>>>> rdfs:subClassOf property. (This is the representation currently used,
>>>> see
>>>> 8. The SKOS representation of a vocabulary shall consist of the core
>>>> representation plus a set of statements that define each node as a
>>> SKOS
>>>> concept and relate each node to its parent by the skos:broader
>>>> property. The representation shall also include statements defining
>>> the
>>>> vocabulary itself as a SKOS concept scheme, the nodes as concepts of
>>>> that scheme, the root nodes as top concepts of that scheme, and the
>>>> labels of each node as SKOS Preferred Lexical Labels in their
>>>> respective languages. Where a node in the core UDEF has a connected
>>>> node in another vocabulary, the representations of the core UDEF and
>>>> the other vocabulary shall include SKOS broader and narrower
>>> statements
>>>> relating the two nodes, with the core UDEF node as the narrower
>>>> concept..
>>>> 9. The XML representation of a vocabulary shall be as at present -
>>> see
>>>> - with the addition of a
>>>> "has_Connected_Node" tag to show connections to nodes of the base
>>> UDEF.
>>>> The precise format of this is to be determined.
>>>> 10. The HTML representation of a vocabulary shall be as at present -
>>>> see - but with the
>>>> addition of a connector symbol (to be determined) to the list item
>>> for
>>>> each node that has a connected node in another vocabulary, and with a
>>>> hyperlink from that symbol to the connected node in an HTML
>>>> representation of that vocabulary.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Chris
>>>> ++++
>>>> Chris Harding
>>>> On 9 May 2012, at 15:09, Chris Harding wrote:
>>>>> Hello, Simon -
>>>>> Thanks for your response - and for taking the trouble to look more
>>>> than superficially at the UDEF in order to formulate your response. I
>>>> have responded to the points that you raise below.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Chris
>>>>> ++++
>>>>> Chris Harding
>>>>> On 8 May 2012, at 21:33, Simon Spero wrote:
>>>>>> On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 5:04 AM, Chris Harding
>>>> <>  wrote:
>>>>>> We are looking at an approach that would define UDEF object
>>> classes
>>>> and UDEF properties as SKOS concepts, and use SKOS narrower/broader
>>> to
>>>> capture the relation between a parent object class and its children,
>>>> and between a parent property and its children.
>>>>>> The initial questions that we have are:
>>>>>>   - Does this look like a sensible approach?
>>>>>>   - Should we make the whole of the UDEF a single SKOS concept
>>>> scheme, or would it be better
>>>>>>     to have separate concept schemes for object classes and
>>>> properties?
>>>>>> I am not entirely sure that using SKOS would necessarily be the
>>> most
>>>> appropriate way of increasing the semantic richness for what seem to
>>> be
>>>> UDEF's target applications. Here are some considerations  that might
>>>> help you decide whether a purely SKOS based approach is ideal for
>>> your
>>>> needs, or whether RDF(S) + OWL might be a better approach.
>>>>>>  • SKOS was originally developed for representing knowledge
>>>> organizing systems, not knowledge representation systems; that is, it
>>>> was designed to represent the relationship between ideas, not between
>>>> the things that those ideas are about.  A good test to see if SKOS is
>>>> right for your application is to consider whether in your application
>>>> there is ever any difference between something being a kind of
>>>> something else, and something being a part of  something else.
>>>>> The UDEF is an index of fields in forms, columns in databases, etc.
>>>> Each field (or column) corresponds to a concept, and what is entered
>>>> into a field (or a cell in a column) provides information about a
>>> thing
>>>> that realises the concept. So it is perhaps not exactly about ideas,
>>>> but it is more about ideas than it is about things.
>>>>>>  • SKOS does not have a standardized way of expressing sequences
>>>> of concepts, for generating concatenated notations, or for expressing
>>>> restrictions on the types of concepts that can be used to restrict
>>> what
>>>> concepts could follow what other concepts.  This essentially forces
>>>> UDEF to be a fully enumerated system, which may not be ideal.
>>>>> Yes. A UDEF identifier is a concatenation of an object class
>>>> identifier and a property identifier. In theory, it is this object
>>>> class/property combination that corresponds best to a SKOS concept.
>>> In
>>>> practice, it is not feasible to enumerate all of the valid  object
>>>> class/property combinations.
>>>>>>  • The example used on the the UDEF CONOP page involves a sample
>>>> interaction with the DLA (Defense Logistics Agency).  That ( and fact
>>>> that the overview page is titled "Concept of Operation" :)  suggests
>>>> that interworking with DoD and other government agencies is an
>>>> important consideration.  DoD semantic interoperability and
>>> federation
>>>> work is using OWL/RDF as a basis - see these slides by Dennis
>>> Wisnosky
>>>> (DoD BMA CTO&  Chief Architect)  from last week's DoD Enterprise
>>>> Architecture conference.
>>>>> The UDEF is applicable to all areas. It was originally conceived
>>>> within the defence procurement community, which is why there are so
>>>> many defence-related terms in the current version. The proportion of
>>>> defence-related terms has decreased as other areas have come into
>>>> consideration, and will continue to decrease.
>>>>> But, IMHO, ability to express UDEF definitions in RDF and OWL is
>>>> crucial, regardless of the area of application. In my understanding,
>>>> SKOS is not an alternative to this, but a way of defining the mapping
>>>> to RDF that could have additional benefits (a) in enabling us to use
>>>> tools designed for SKOS to work with the UDEF definitions, and (b)
>>>> potentially in the longer term enabling us to link the UDEF with
>>> other
>>>> SKOS vocabularies.
>>>>>>  • Earlier work at USAF in the EVT under SAF-US(M) revealed that
>>>> even RDF(S) + OWL was insufficient to capture all useful information
>>>> for most Communities of Interest;  the weaker semantics of SKOS would
>>>> presumably be able to capture even less information.  (Interestingly,
>>>> the acronym EVT stood for "Enterprise Vocabulary Team"; the V was
>>>> obsolete  even  before the team was stood up).
>>>>> The UDEF does not set out to capture all information. Its limited
>>>> (but useful) objective is to provide an index for data fields, as
>>>> described above.
>>>>>>  • Where a natural language term has different meanings in
>>>> different CoIs, it is a very bad idea to try and force the subject
>>>> matter experts in one or both areas  to use a different term.
>>>> Performance level of subject matter experts is degraded to a level
>>>> close to novices.
>>>>> Agreed.
>>>>>> Taking a look at some of the UDEF definitions seems to suggest
>>> that
>>>> the current definitions do not include much information that could be
>>>> considered essential for interoperability.
>>>>>> For example, in the "identifier" sub tree, we find the following
>>>> terminal node.
>>>>>> 4.35.8 Air-Force.Assigned.Identifier
>>>>>> United-States.Air-Force.Assigned.Identifier
>>>>>> Given the number of different USAF identifiers, this is somewhat
>>>> problematic,  and would seem to be based on an unnamed specific use
>>>> case.
>>>>> See below for more on this example.
>>>>>> In terms of mapping to RDF(S)/OWL/SKOS,  these properties would
>>> seem
>>>> to imply a hierarchy  - SubPropertyOf in RDFS, SubDataPropertyOf in
>>>> OWL, broader in SKOS.
>>>>> Yes, I think this how it should be interpreted.
>>>>>> In terms of  creating interoperable systems, it is hard to
>>>> understand what the semantics of these properties would be.
>>>>>> What would it mean to have a data field tagged "4.35.8"?
>>>>> This is only half of a UDEF tag. A field would never be tagged
>>>> 4.35.8. A field could for example be tagged
>>>>> a.o.1_4.35.8 (Military.Aircraft.Asset_Air-
>>> Force.Assigned.Identifier)
>>>> in the case of an identification number of a military aircraft, or
>>>> c.j.5_4.35.8 (Military.Officer.Person_Air-Force.Assigned.Identifier)
>>> in
>>>> the case of an identification number for its pilot.
>>>>>> Could it be meaningfully compared to another data field tagged
>>>> "4.35.8"?
>>>>> It is meaningful to compare the full tags of fields, either to
>>>> distinguish different fields, or to detect that fields are the same.
>>> In
>>>> the example above, it is easy to envisage records that have "Id"
>>> fields
>>>> that might refer to the aircraft or to the pilot. The UDEF makes it
>>>> easier to put the right data in the right field.
>>>>>> Could you join two records from different sources using this
>>> field?
>>>>> With extreme caution. The UDEF is in concept infinitely extensible,
>>>> and currently very incomplete. There is not currently, for example, a
>>>> tag for "Canadian.Air-Force.Assigned.Identifier" or for
>>>> "Australian.Air-Force.Assigned.Identifier so an id for a Canadian
>>>> aircraft would likely be tagged in the same way as an id for an
>>>> Australian aircraft. Equating similarly-tagged fields  in a join of
>>>> Australian and Canadian records would probably not give you a
>>>> meaningful result, unless the Australian and Canadian air forces
>>> happen
>>>> to have agreed on a uniform identification scheme for aircraft. Even
>>>> United-States.Air-Force.Assigned.Identifier might not work in a join
>>> -
>>>> I wouldn't be at all surprised if the US Air Force has more than one
>>>> identification scheme for aircraft.
>>>>>> Could you join two records, one identified by a  "", the
>>>> other by "4.35.8"?
>>>>> Only if you were sure that the two sources were using non-
>>> overlapping
>>>> identification schemes - and the UDEF would not give you this
>>>> assurance.
>>>>>> Is the  relationship between the fields strictly one of about-
>>> ness;
>>>> everything that is in some way about a United-States.Air-
>>>> Force.Assigned.Identifier it is in somewhat about an Air-
>>>> Force.Assigned.Identifier?
>>>>> A Military.Aircraft.Asset_United-States.Air-
>>> Force.Assigned.Identifier
>>>> is a Military.Aircraft.Asset_Air-Force.Assigned.Identifier. It is
>>> also
>>>> a Aircraft.Asset_United-States.Air-Force.Assigned.Identifier, an
>>>> Asset_Identifier, and all the combinations in between.
>>>>> I don't believe we should think in terms of joins in the classical
>>>> sense, but rather about deductions to be made from the information
>>>> contained in different records, that might produce new records
>>>> containing derived information. (This is a bit like the difference
>>>> between SPARQL and SQL). UDEF tagging can make a meaningful
>>>> contribution to such deductions, even if the tags cannot be used to
>>>> identify fields on which to join records.
>>>>>> It well be that some many of the unique labels that UDEF has
>>> created
>>>> can be usefully refactored into their semantic components, and that
>>> by
>>>> doing so it becomes easier to create federate systems of systems that
>>>> work at the enterprise scale and beyond.
>>>>> A large part of the value of the UDEF is that its hierarchical
>>>> structure imposes a discipline on the arbitrary combination of
>>>> components. This makes it easier to use as a practical tool, though
>>> it
>>>> reduces its power of expression. We do however very much appreciate
>>> the
>>>> need to federate vocabularies developed by different communities of
>>>> experts - and this is a good reason why we should look at SKOS.
>>>>>> Simon

Received on Sunday, 10 June 2012 22:31:06 UTC