Re: related measurements (MATCHING) for property names

Hi Kalpa,

On 7/5/2012 1:43 PM, Kalpa Gunaratna wrote:
> Hi,
>     I know that SKOS has several matching properties for concepts in
> ontologies like |skos:closeMatch|, |skos:broadMatch|,
> |skos:narrowMatch|and |skos:relatedMatch||. I want to get some notion to
> say that ||two property names in two ontologies relate or closely match
> each other. Since SKOS is defined for concepts, I think I can't use it
> for my purpose here. For example, I want to use something like
> 'SKOS:closeMatch" for two property names if they mean the same in two
> datasets. I want to know whether there is work going on regarding this
> issue and if so point me to a resource so that I can use it for my
> purpose here. Thank you.

I earlier listed as many of the "approximate" matching predicates I 
could find [1], many with explanations. The UMBEL vocabulary [2], which 
also relies in part on SKOS, also has many designed approximate predicates.

Google Scholar searches on "sameas" will also turn up many academic 

Thanks, Mike

(see last table and references)

> regards,
> Kalpa
> |

Received on Thursday, 5 July 2012 21:11:24 UTC