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- Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2011 17:04:31 +0200
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JEKPOT is pleased to present the 16th Knowledge Management Forum <http://www.jekpot.com/immagini/fap4c.gif> Event: CONFERENCE Official language: ITALIAN Entrance: - FREE* * Vendor: for payment - CHUCHOTAGE (with simultaneous personal translation italian-english): 1.500 euro + 20%VAT Registrations deadline: - SPONSOR: 9th September 2011 except availability - AUDIENCE: a) FREE: 7th October 2011 b) CHUCHOTAGE: 30th September 2011 Organizer: JEKPOT srl Via A. Folperti 44/d 27100 Pavia PV (Italy) T. 0382 572287 E. jekpot AT jekpot.com W. www.jekpot.com Milano, Italy, 13th October 2011 Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca, Aula Martini KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT TRACKS Managing and communicating organizational knowledge Managing and communicating organizational knowledge is the way to increase the organization competitiveness and the people professionality by an approach of innovation from a cultural, organizational and technological point of view. The goal of the event is to collect the best original practice on knowledge management by presenting case study, papers, experiences and by talking about knowledge management scenarios, strategies, methodologies, technologies, applications, processes, solutions.. AGENDA - Update & Registrations: <http://www.jekpot.com/pagine/km16-kmt-04.htm> HERE Hours Programme 9.00am Registrations 9.30am WELCOME Università di MIlano Bicocca <http://www.jekpot.com/immagini/unimib50.gif> Greetings UNIVERSITA' DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO BICOCCA Marcello Fontanesi, rettore 9.45am SCENARIO - Science and knowledge management Managing and communicating knowledge: basic points from a scientific point of view ISTITUTO MARIO NEGRI Silvio Garattini, director 10.00am SCENARIO - The organizational competitiveness Knowledge management and state of the art for managing and communicating organizational knowledge JEKPOT Carlo Sorge, chairman 10.15am KM AWARD - Prize for the best talk assigned from the public The winner 2010 is: Dario de Judicibus, fashion industry leader IBM 10.20am FOCUS - Competitiveness IBM <http://www.jekpot.com/immagini/ibm2011-50.gif> Panel - Social network and web technology for the competitiveness in the organizations Dario de Judicibus, fashion industry leader IBM Gianluca Fusco, chief information officer EDIPOWER Roberto Polillo, professor UNIVERSITA' DI MILANO BICOCCA Claudio Tancini, it operations ZURICH, vice president CLUB TI MILANO e ISF 11.20am Coffee Break 11.45am FOCUS - Human resources 1861-2011 : 150° anniversario Unità d'Italia <http://www.jekpot.com/immagini/italia-bandiera1.gif> 1861 - 2011 150° anniversario Unità d'Italia 1952 - 2011 : 59° anniversario Italia nell'Unione europea <http://www.jekpot.com/immagini/europa100x67.gif> 1952 - 2011 59° anniversario Italia nell'Unione europea Panel - HR mobility, job, education and wellness Sandro Crestani, hr manager OSRAM Vincenzo Acquaviva, president FEDERMANAGER QUADRI Roberto Polillo, professor UNIVERSITA' DI MILANO BICOCCA Roberto Bellini, president AICA Milano 12.45am Questions & Answers 1.00pm Break 2.20pm Registrations 2.25pm Tracks - Processes and technologies: best practice, case study, papers on km tracks CBT - Cosmic Blue Team <http://www.jekpot.com/immagini/cbt50.gif> 2.30pm CROSS KM Cloud content management COSMIC BLUE TEAM Armando D'Angelo, bu applications managing director 2.50pm TACIT KM AddtoBuild, from data to applications SOL-TEC Nicola Mazzariello, services delivery manager 3.10pm TACIT KM Knowledge in projects THE PROJECT MANAGEMENT LAB Tiziano Villa, chairman 3.30pm EXPLICIT KM TaggedBook: an interactive model of document for the knowledge management UNIVERSITA' DEGLI STUDI DI FERRARA Marco Pedroni, professor 3.50pm CREABLE KM The strategic management of the organizational knowledge in the social network UNIVERSITA' CA' FOSCARI DI VENEZIA - IAOP Giovanni Vaia, president 4.10pm Questions & Answers 4.25pm Greetings 4.30pm Closing AGENDA - Update & Registrations: <http://www.jekpot.com/pagine/km16-kmt-04.htm> HERE WITH THE COLLABORATION OF Partner AICA CBT COMMISSIONE EUROPEA Rappresentanza a Milano FEDERMANAGER QUADRI EDIPOWER IBM OSRAM THE PROJECT MANAGEMENT LAB SOL-TEC ZURICH UNIVERSITA' DI FERRARA UNIVERSITA' DI MILANO BICOCCA UNIVERSITA' DI MILANO BICOCCA, DISCo UNIVERSITA' DI VENEZIA - IAOP Istitution COMMISSIONE EUROPEA Rappresentanza a Milano CRUI - Conferenza Rettori Università Italiane MINISTERO DELLO SVILUPPO ECONOMICO PRESIDENZA CONSIGLIO MINISTRI - Agenzia per l'Innovazione PROVINCIA DI MILANO UNIVERSITA' DI MILANO BICOCCA UNIVERSITA' DI MILANO BICOCCA, DISCo Associations A3I - Associazione Italiana Ingegneri dell'Informazione AICA - Associazione italiana per l'Informatica e il Calcolo Automatico ANIPA - Associazione Nazionale Informatici Pubblica Amministrazione ASSI - Associazione Specialisti Sistemi Informativi CLUB TI MILANO - Club per le Tecnologie per l'Informazione FEDERMANAGER QUADRI - Associazione di quadri aziendali GIDP - Gruppo Intersettoriale Direttori del Personale IAOP - International Association of Outsourcing Professionals INFORAV - Istituto per lo sviluppo e la gestione avanzata dell'informazione ISF - Informatici senza frontiere Media partner COMPUTERWORLD ICT4EXECUTIVE KAPPAEMME TARGET AUDIENCE Chief Knowledge Officer, Knowledge Manager, Knowledge Workers; Direttori e responsabili delle funzioni Risorse umane, Sistemi Informativi, Tecnologie, Marketing & Communication di medie e grandi organizzazioni; Manager e professori universitari; Top manager di PMI SCIENTIFIC COMMITTE Carlo Sorge, JEKPOT, chairman Marco Bettoni, FERNFACHHOCHSCHULE (CH), research director Manfredi Buonomo, KM COMMUNITY, consultant Silvana Castano, UNIVERSITA' DI MILANO, ISL@B, professor Claudio Cilli, ISACA ROMA, chairman Marcello Fontanesi, UNIVERSITA' DI MILANO BICOCCA, rettore Matteo Fornara, COMMISSIONE EUROPEA Rappresentanza a Milano, director Luciano Galliani, UNIVERSITA' DI PADOVA, Scienze della Formazione, preside Luigi Guerra, UNIVERSITA' DI BOLOGNA, Scienze della Formazione, preside Domenico Laforenza, CNR-IIT, director Marco Mancini, CRUI - Conferenza Rettori Università Italiane, presidente Giancarlo Mauri, UNIVERSITA' DI MILANO BICOCCA, DISCo director Guido Podestà, PROVINCIA DI MILANO, presidente Roberto Polillo, UNIVERSITA' DI MILANO BICOCCA, professor Oreste Signore, W3C ITALIA, director Alberto Silvani, UNIVERSITA' DI MILANO, UniMitt director WORKSHOPS ASSOCIATI <http://www.jekpot.com/immagini/fap4c.gif> Event: WORKSHOP Official language: ITALIAN Entrance: FOR PAYMENT: a) FULL: 1.000 euro + 20%VAT for a person, one day; b) GROUP: 800 euro + IVA 20%VAT for a person, one day, related to groups of at least 3 persons of the same organization ADD-ON: CHUCHOTAGE (simultaneous personal translation italian-english): 1.500 euro + 20%VAT for a person Registrations deadline: - FULL, GROUP: 3th October 2011 - CHUCHOTAGE: 30th September 2011 Organizer: JEKPOT srl Via A. Folperti 44/d 27100 Pavia PV (Italy) T. 0382 572287 E. jekpot AT jekpot.com W. www.jekpot.com Milano, 10th October 2011 KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT AGENDA & REGISTRATIONS <http://www.jekpot.com/pagine/km.htm> HERE COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE AGENDA & REGISTRATIONS <http://www.jekpot.com/pagine/cop.htm> HERE Milano, 11th October 2011 KNOWLEDGE COMMUNICATION BY PREMI AGENDA & REGISTRATIONS <http://www.jekpot.com/pagine/premi.htm> HERE KNOWLEDGE MAPPING AGENDA & REGISTRATIONS <http://www.jekpot.com/pagine/kmap.htm> HERE Milano, 12th October 2011 CLOUD COMPUTING AGENDA & REGISTRATIONS <http://www.jekpot.com/pagine/cloud.htm> HERE Milano, 14th October 2011 COMPUTER ETHICS AGENDA & REGISTRATIONS <http://www.jekpot.com/pagine/ce.htm> HERE Milano, 17th October 2011 PROJECT MANAGEMENT - THEORY AGENDA & REGISTRATIONS <http://www.jekpot.com/pagine/pmt1.htm> HERE Milano, 18th October 2011 PROJECT MANAGEMENT - PRACTICE AGENDA & REGISTRATIONS <http://www.jekpot.com/pagine/pmp1.htm> HERE <http://www.jekpot.com/pagine/pmp1.htm> _____ For more informations: JEKPOT Srl the Knowledge Management Company Via A. Folperti 44/d, 27100 Pavia, PV, Italy Ph.: +39 0382 572287 | Web: www.jekpot.com | E-Mail: jekpot [at] jekpot.com ----------------------------------- WHO WE ARE JEKPOT operates like a VAP (Value Added Partner) in Pubishing, Events, Educational, Services sectors, to realize project on the management and communication of organizational knowledge (data, informations, documents, digital asset, intangible assets. We have collaborated with organizations, private and public, of large and middle business indicated on www.jekpot.com/pagine/ji.htm. ----------------------------------- PRIVACY To remove your email address from the mailer of this newsletter, reply REMOVE or other without modify the subject because this contains the database in which your email address is inserted. This communication observes privacy italian law D.Lgs 196/03, readable on http://www.jekpot.com/pagine/privacy.htm, where it is possible to manage the personal data threatment. ----------------------------------- COPYRIGHT This communication is copyright JEKPOT srl and his use could be constitute an offence. It is prohibited any use of contents of this communication off of the recipient. -----------------------------------
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Received on Thursday, 29 September 2011 15:06:50 UTC