ANN: Skosify 0.1 - converting RDFS/OWL/SKOS into proper SKOS

Dear SKOS enthusiasts

I'm happy to announce Skosify, a new tool for creating and improving 
SKOS vocabularies. It was created to allow easy conversion of thesauri 
and thesaurus-like ontologies from various RDF, OWL and "mostly-SKOS" 
formats into good quality SKOS.

The program is a command line tool that accepts any RDF file as input 
and tries hard to make it conform to SKOS conventions. Optionally, it 
can map RDFS/OWL Classes into SKOS concepts and hierarchical 
rdfs:subClassOf relationships into skos:broader/skos:narrower 
relationships. It also performs some structural validation on the result 
and attempts to fix many common problems.

The first public release, version 0.1, has just been released on the 
Google Code project site [1] together with documentation in the wiki 
[2]. The code is open source, using the permissive MIT license. The tool 
is implemented in Python (using rdflib) and developed on Linux, but 
should work on other platforms as well.

The tool is currently being used to produce public, downloadable SKOS 
versions of some Finnish ontologies developed in the FinnONTO projects, 
including the Finnish General Upper Ontology and the KOKO ontology [3].

I'm happy to hear any comments, requests for improvements or other 
feedback from potential users.

Best regards,
Osma Suominen

PS. I chose the name Skosify as it seemed not to be in wide use, though 
there were a couple of scripts with that name. The ones I found seemed 
to be very specific converters for individual vocabularies rather than 
general purpose tools. Apologies if the name causes any clashes or 


Osma Suominen | | +358 40 5255 882
Aalto University, Department of Media Technology, Semantic Computing 
Research Group
Room 2541, Otaniementie 17, Espoo, Finland; P.O. Box 15500, FI-00076 
Aalto, Finland

Received on Wednesday, 25 May 2011 14:51:50 UTC