- From: diego ferreyra <tematres@r020.com.ar>
- Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2011 12:31:47 -0300
- To: CODE4LIB@listserv.nd.edu, diego ferreyra <tematres@r020.com.ar>, public-esw-thes@w3.org, isko-l@lists.gseis.ucla.edu, oss4lib-discuss@lists.sourceforge.net, sigcr-l@asis.org
We have the glad to announce the release of Tematres 1.2. TemaTres is a web tool to manage, publish and exploit controlled vocabularies and other formals representation of knowledge ( thesauri, taxonomies, glossaries, etc) . This release includes the following fixes and improvements: * New Server architecture for controled vocabularios (one instalation, many vocabularios) Now it is posible to install unlimited vocabularies with a single TemaTres installation. * Mapping terminology support (multilingual support) A different vocabulary can be added as a data provider via web servicies to support mapping terminlogy This functionality can be used to create multilingual vocabularies, establishing relations between different locations of a vocabulary or to establishing relations between differents conceptual domains. LRE Thesaurus example: http://vocabularyserver.com/lre/en/index.php?tema=546 * The mapping module also includes a mechanism to automatically synchronize terms changes between vocabularies. Now we can return to a pre Babel world!!! only one meaning for each word!!! :-). EUROVOC example: http://vocabularyserver.com/eurovoc/ * Term editor reports A new reporting module has been added. This module allows to create reports on free terms, repeated terms, terms with more than one broader term or terms according to their status. The reports are issued in CSV format. * Advanced Reports for editors The advanced reporting module allows you to set multiple conditions and filters to create terms reports. The filters are * by date * by user, * Terms who have specific type of comments * Having or not mapping relations to a particular target vocabulary * Terms who have words with a specific suffix, prefix or exact words. All the reports are generated in CSV * Version Upgrade Management functionalities had been added to upgrade from database structure of versions 1.1 and 1.0x to version TemaTres 1.2 * Added Polish localization. Karol Krenski (mimoohowy@gmail.com) add Polish localization. * More options for terminology web services Mapped terms can be consulted through web services. All terms references (fetchTargetTerms ) to other vocabularies ( target vocabularies) can be consulted * Fixed minor bugs and features. - For a detail of the features of TemaTres http://www.vocabularyserver.com/ - Try TemaTres demo as editor http://www.r020.com.ar/tematres/login.php - To download TemaTres http://sourceforge.net/projects/tematres/ - To access the Wiki TemaTres http://tematres.r020.com.ar/wiki/doku.php?id=:en:Inicio - To know the vocabulary web services provided by TemaTres http://tematres.r020.com.ar/wiki/doku.php?id=:en:tematres:web_services_terminologicos - To know others ways of using controlled vocabularies http://www.vocabularyserver.com/integrate-services/ - TemaTres & WordPress http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/tematres-thesaurus/ - TemaTres & PKP Open Journal Systems http://pkp.sfu.ca/support/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=4800 - TemaTres & TemaTresView http://www.r020.com.ar/tematres/wiki/doku.php?id=tematres:tematres_view - TemaTres & VisualVocabulary http://www.vocabularyserver.com/visual-vocabulary/ - TemaTres Keywords extractor http://www.vocabularyserver.com/distiller/index.php - Submit Suggested features http://tematres.uservoice.com/pages/35866-general?lang=es - Feedback http://www.vocabularyserver.com/contact/ Best Regards and apologies for cross-posting Diego Ferreyra http://www.vocabularyserver.com http://www.r020.com.ar
Received on Saturday, 8 January 2011 15:32:26 UTC