Unicity of skos (and skos-xl) prefLabel in one language : gender issues


Currently working on migration of OPOCE authority tables to SKOS (countries,
languages, currencies etc) I stumble on the following issue :
A country (say : Greece) has terms denoting its nationality (Greek). If we
want to represent the nationality as a skos:Concept, in some languages which
have different forms for different genders, which one is to be chosen as the
unique prefLabel in French : "grec" (M) or "grecque" (F)? Either choice is
politically incorrect :)

Note that in this case we will use skos-xl to in order to capture the
"gender" property. But the issue is the same in skos or skos-xl.

So far I've used a workaround by attaching directly the nationality labels
to the country concept using an ad hoc "nationalityLabel" property, but it's
only a workaround in the sense that I skip the issue by not representing
explicitly the nationality as a Concept.


Bernard Vatant
Senior Consultant
Vocabulary & Data Integration
Tel:       +33 (0) 971 488 459
Mail:     bernard.vatant@mondeca.com
3, cité Nollez 75018 Paris France
Web:    http://www.mondeca.com
Blog:    http://mondeca.wordpress.com

Received on Tuesday, 12 April 2011 08:19:52 UTC