Re: Mapping Relations

Thanks Alistair, 

thats the next question i wanted to ask.

We were using owl:sameAs and rdfs:seeAlso as an alternative but are changing that to skos:mappingRelations. And i also agree with Andrew that the Sementic Web will survive but being a bit of a pedant too i'd like to have some confidence too. But maybe Linked Data is all about faith.

I also found some discussion regarding the use of owl:sameAs:

And finally skos:me would definitely like to have a skos:it? t-shirt:)


> Hi, this is an interesting topic that I have some interest in myself, one comment inline below
> Alistair Miles wrote:
>> Hi Helmut
>> On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 09:18:29PM +0200, Helmut Nagy wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> e.g i got an Concept "Vienna" and i want to make the following mapping:
>>> "Vienna" skos:exactMatch
>> Possibly a reasonable thing to do. Personally, if it's useful for you to
>> do this, then I would just go for it. If it turns out to have unexpected
>> consequences, then you can always change later. Might also be worth asking
>> the dbpedia folks if and how they use SKOS.
> Being a bit of a pedant, I do not like to use the skos matching relations unless I can already see that the resource I am linking my concept to is of rdf:type skos:Concept, skos:inScheme to a concept scheme, has a skos:prefLabel and preferrably at least one broader/narrower relationship. Unfortunately this means I rarely use matching relations to anything other than skos resources that I have created myself ;-). In the real world Im not sure this makes any difference, and the Semantic Web will probably survive either way, but I think it gives other people more confidence in your vocabulary modelling if its clear some care has been taken.
> DBPedia asserts no skos relations for any resource I have seen (which is not necessarily a bad thing, and I havent checked everything), and so in the absence of anything more specific, I just link from my concepts to dbpedia with rdfs:seeAlso, which "is used to indicate a resource that might provide additional information about the subject resource", so for example, its rdfs:labels or rdfs:comments might be useful to a semantic web application, but do not expect any directly relevant skos relationships that it could do skos things with.
> Cheers,
> Andrew
>>> skos:it? t-shirts? :)
>> Sorry, Danbri and I had a discussion a while back about ideas for a new inverse
>> property pair in SKOS that would be used for linking from SKOS concepts to
>> "real things" like people, mountain ranges, etc., and back again. Danbri wanted
>> to call the properties skos:it and skos:as, e.g., <mySkosConceptOfVienna>
>> skos:it <>. Danbri also thought this would
>> be a great marketing ploy, as you could print t-shirts with "skos:it!" on the
>> front (meaning like, if you've got a thesaurus, SKOS it!) ... unfortunately
>> there wasn't enough desire for something like this in the SKOS reference
>> at the time, and it was hard to figure out what the semantics should be,
>> so we left it.
>> It would be interesting to see if anyone else is doing this kind of linking
>> into and out of SKOS concept schemes, and if so, what properties they're
>> using. Anyone?
>> Cheers
>> Alistair
>>> Cheers
>>> hel.
>>>> Hi Helmut,
>>>> On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 04:51:38PM +0200, Helmut Nagy wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> i got one question, should skos:mappingRelations only be used to map to skos:Concepts of a different skos:conceptScheme or would it also be consistent to use skos:mappingRelations to map to linked data like DBpedia or FreeBase?
>>>> I'm not sure, I think it depends what type of resource you want to map
>>>> to. What assertions are made by DBpedia and FreeBase for the resources you
>>>> want to map to?
>>>> Danbri: the return of skos:it? (we should have printed those t-shirts,
>>>> then it would have definitely gone in the spec... :)
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Alistair 
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> hel.
>>>>> | Helmut Nagy, Consultant
>>>>> | Semantic Web Company GmbH
>>>>> | Lerchenfelder Guertel 43/5
>>>>> | A - 1160 Wien, Austria
>>>>> | | |
>>>>> |
>>>> -- 
>>>> Alistair Miles
>>>> Centre for Genomics and Global Health <>
>>>> The Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics
>>>> Roosevelt Drive
>>>> Oxford
>>>> OX3 7BN
>>>> United Kingdom
>>>> Web:
>>>> Email:
>>>> Tel: +44 (0)1865 287669

Received on Tuesday, 13 July 2010 09:36:16 UTC