- From: Simon Spero <ses@unc.edu>
- Date: Thu, 5 Nov 2009 20:40:36 -0500
- To: Leonard Will <L.Will@willpowerinfo.co.uk>
- Cc: Pat Hayes <phayes@ihmc.us>, Alexandre Passant <alexandre.passant@deri.org>, Richard Cyganiak <richard@cyganiak.de>, dbpedia-discussion@lists.sourceforge.net, SKOS <public-esw-thes@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <1af06bde0911051740p51489a8ha786e5f9968d6b25@mail.gmail.com>
On Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 6:22 PM, Leonard Will <L.Will@willpowerinfo.co.uk>wrote: > > Every concept that has-associated-class K is a generic-concept. >> Every concept that has-associated-individual I is a >> named-individual-concept. >> > > Presumably by "associated class" you mean two or more individuals, not > necessarily individually identified, each of which fits within the scope of > the concept. [...] If A has-broader-term-instantive B and A has-associated-individual X and B > has-associated-class Y > then X types Y. > I'm not sure whether you are using "types" with a formal meaning here, but I > take it that you mean that X is a member of the class Y. (Sounds as though > this should be Y types X, but I don't know the convention.) Sorry - I was using Attempto Controllled English and was being a bit lazy. By associated class I meant that generic concepts could have an associated owl:Class, and by "types" I meant rdf:type. The key point is that an individual or class may be related to a KOS Concept, and that relationships between these individuals and classes can be derived from KOS relationships iff BTG/BTI relationships can be distinguished. I left out BTP because it didn't directly illustrate this point; I also accidentally left out the important rule of aboutness: If a document is-about a Concept A and A has-broader-term B then the document is-about B. It's only when you have a partitive relationship that is not the end > relationship of the branch that non-transitivity occurs. > > Since in standard thesaurus structures partitive relationships are > restricted to a few special cases such as places and organisational > structures, this is not usually a problem in practice. > Aboutness can even cross partitive lines (BTP o BTG). The common thread between the special cases of BTP is that they are necessarily true; Milstead (2001, p.60) ) supported extending the scope to other partitive relationships; "[The part-whole relationship] only has to meet the test of always being true, just as with the other hierarchical relationships.” (did you spot the slight mistake in this part of the FRSAD draft? :-) Simon ---- Milstead, Jessica L. (2001). “Standards for Relationships between Subject Indexing Terms”. In: Relationships in the Organization of Knowledge. Ed. by Carol A Bean and Rebecca Green. Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 53–66.
Received on Friday, 6 November 2009 01:41:11 UTC