- From: Johan De Smedt <Johan.De-smedt@tenforce.com>
- Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2009 16:43:53 +0100
- To: Johannes Busse <busse@ontoprise.de>, Christophe Dupriez <christophe.dupriez@destin.be>
- CC: Alistair Miles <alistair.miles@zoo.ox.ac.uk>, Stephen Bounds <km@bounds.net.au>, "public-esw-thes@w3.org" <public-esw-thes@w3.org>
Hi Johannes, I do sympathize with your language remark. For the hart of the matter, the SKOS reference specifies +- skos:broaderTransitive | +- skos:broader And this does not entail that the sub-property skos:broader has the transitive property It says the set of triples in skos:broader is a subset of the set of triples in skos:broaderTransitive. If in an example, only skos:broader are given, then skos:broaderTransitive can be inferred as the transitive closure of the set of skos:broader triples. So adding the transitive quality to "broader" actually creates a super-property "broaderTransitive" This clarified it for me. best, Johan -----Original Message----- From: public-esw-thes-request@w3.org [mailto:public-esw-thes-request@w3.org] On Behalf Of Johannes Busse Sent: Friday, 13 February, 2009 16:13 To: Christophe Dupriez Cc: Alistair Miles; Stephen Bounds; public-esw-thes@w3.org Subject: repair unconventional convention: broaderTransitive should be subProperty of broader Hi SKOS editors, today I realized a IMHO severe naming issue in the SKOS schema w.r.t. skos:broader and skos:broaderTransitive. My own understandig always was Christophe Dupriez wrote: > +- skos:broader (N1) > | | > | +- skos:broaderTransitive My translation of the N1 visualization into First Order Logic: skos:broaderTransitive(X,Z) <- skos:broaderTransitive(X,Y) AND skos:broaderTransitive (Y,Z). and according to th RDF subproperty axioms: skos:broader(X,Y) <- skos:broaderTransitive(X,Y). BUT http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-skos-reference-20080829/#L4160 suggests in fact: Christophe Dupriez wrote: > +- skos:broaderTransitive > | | > | +- skos:broader This visualization is coherent to your normal language explanation (c.f. WD-skos-reference-20080829/#L4160 )of skos:broaderTransitive. *Both are pretty confusing* (if not wrong, see below), because IMO it is contrary to common naming policies in ontology engineering: You are mixing up the intension and extension of a property. In detail: Concatenating a term (i.e. the string "transitive") to the name of a property (here: "has_broader") normally indicates that this term adds an additional characteristic (here: being transitive) to this property. It follows that the extension of the more restricted property is a proper subset of the extension of the less restricted property (which is the def of being a subproperty). The implicit policy behind that naming convention is that a speaking object ID (like skos:class, skos:broader etc.) describes informally the respective object, here: the property skos:broaderTransitive. This means that a string like "Transitive" normally is understood being an informal description of an additional characteristics, i.e. the *intension* of the property. This habitus of interpreting substrings of an ontology object ID also corresponds with other class naming conventiones, like - horse + horseBlack (a horse which is black) . horseBlackMale (a horse which is black and male) + whiteHorse According to this habitus an ontology engineer would expect to have - broader + broaderTransitive (a broader relation which is transitive) + broaderTransitiveIrreflexive (... and irreflexive) What you in SKOS are doing: You are identifying the name of the property skos:relatedTransitive with the *inferrable extension* of the property. "Note especially that, by convention, skos:broader and skos:narrower are only used to assert immediate (i.e. direct) hierarchical links between two SKOS concepts. By convention, skos:broaderTransitive and skos:narrowerTransitive are not used to make assertions, but are instead used only to draw inferences." This convention is strange; I'd not concede such a convention. What you have defined here: - skos:relatedTransitive (pairs X,Y that are related by assertion *or* inference) - skos:related pairs X,Y that are related (only) by assertion Transferred to the horse example above this would read as: - horseBlackMale : Things that are horses or black or male - horseBlack : Things that are horses or black - horse : Things that are horses Of course you are free to define such a semantics. But you should know that this definition IMHO is *very* error prone and will lead to severe misunderstandings and problems in the future. ... Hm, and looking up the SPEC again: http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-skos-reference-20080829/skos.html#broaderTransitive claims that skos:broaderTransitive should be transitive (which means that all subproperties are also transitive). Thus N1 holds, and the visualization plus the explanation in #L4160 is inconsistent with the schema. ? yours Johannes -- Dr. Johannes Busse, Senior Researcher An der RaumFabrik 29, D-76227 Karlsruhe Reg. Office: Karlsruhe, Amtsger. Mannheim, HRB 109540 Managing Directors: Prof.Dr.J.Angele, H.P.Schnurr http://www.ontoprise.de | phone x49(721) 509 809-62 mailto:busse@ontoprise.de | mobile x49(163) 509 80-62
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