On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 7:03 AM, Kingsley Idehen <kidehen@openlinksw.com>wrote:
> Bernard Vatant wrote:
>> Not sure what is the answer to Amir's question is, but a side remark :
>> skos:subject has been deprecated in the final SKOS recommendation [1] and
>> IMO should be replaced throughout DBpedia (and the linked data cloud in
>> general) by dcterms:subject [2]
>> It's been discussed at length on DC list if the range of dcterms:subject
>> should be restricted or kept open as it is now, but in any case using
>> skos:Concept instances as values of this property is considered a good
>> practice from both SKOS and DC sides.
>> If I remember well, skos:subject was removed from the spec on the very
>> argument that SKOS should not specify how concepts should be used for
>> indexing, letting this to metadata specifications such as Dublin Core. And
>> singularly dcterms:subject was in the radar.
Is this still viable given the restriction of role chains to object