- From: Danny Ayers <danny.ayers@gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2008 23:33:35 +0100
- To: "Dan Brickley" <danbri@danbri.org>
- Cc: SKOS <public-esw-thes@w3.org>
2008/11/11 Dan Brickley <danbri@danbri.org>: > You could probably do this in pure SKOS, at a stretch; but you might also > consider the custom Wordnet vocabulary that the SWBPD WG created for > Wordnet-in-RDF. At the time, the proximity to SKOS was noted but postponed. > Now that SKOS is settling down, it might be worth looking again at how far > it is from such linguistically oriented data. > > http://www.w3.org/TR/wordnet-rdf/ Ta. >From what I can remember, that might be overengineering (i.e. too much like hard work) for what I'm after, which is relatively easily SPARQLable data, to which I can trivially merge in other stuff. I've a feeling using @en @it etc might also make things more difficult... Essentially all I want is something like : [ a x:Word; x:inEnglish "fish"; x:inItalian "pesce" ] - but using a standard vocab. > I don't know the exact status of Italian versions of Wordnet but > http://multiwordnet.itc.it/english/home.php seems active, although license > terms aren't as open as one might hope for - > http://multiwordnet.itc.it/english/licence.php Yeah, I noticed that, rather a pain. > FWIW I'll be revisiting this topic as soon as I can get me an installation > of Semantic MediaWiki; I want to store "flash card" mappings in a wiki in a > form that can be reformatted nicely for printing and for quizzes. So let's > stay in touch... It hadn't occurred to me to use a Wiki, but that's roughly the kind of end product (for my own benefit) I'm after. Think I showed you the pack of phrase flashcards in Cannes - coding them in too would allow things like "give me an example Italian phrase using the Italian word for 'fish'". Cheers, Danny. -- http://dannyayers.com ~ http://blogs.talis.com/nodalities/this_weeks_semantic_web/
Received on Tuesday, 11 November 2008 22:34:11 UTC