Re: [ISSUE-77] [ISSUE-48] Re: [Dbpedia-discussion] Skos subject properties are deprecated

Dear Antoine and all,

Antoine wrote:

> I'm sorry but I don't fully understand your objections: what I call 
> "categorization"(or whatever the proper name be) in wikipedia is indeed 
> linked to an application, the one that will return a set of documents 
> that are relevant for the "history of the internet" each time I browse 
> this category. And the success of this application is dependent on the 
> way the link between documents and categories are related.

In the Wikipedia case a set of documents is returned, in other cases it 
could be a set of people, a set of countries, or any other records. 
Frankly you cannot link to a person but only to a record that represents 
the person so in the end everything is a document - but not a document 
the the common understanding of "document".

> I agree that the relation we are searching for connects a concept to a 
> resource, but I think it should have more semantics: otherwise you could 
> use it to represent a link between one concept and the resource standing 
> for its creator, who might have very little to do with this subject the 
> concept resource stands for. And I do think we can refer to a class of 
> document description and/or retrieval applications that share enough 
> commonalities to give a precise (or inprecise) enough idea of what these 
> semantics are.

After reader your comments I'd prefer to call the relation 
skos:indexedWith, but I doubt that such changes in the naming of 
relations will be made to keep compatible with the previous draft.


Jakob Voß <>, skype: nichtich
Verbundzentrale des GBV (VZG) / Common Library Network
Platz der Goettinger Sieben 1, 37073 Göttingen, Germany
+49 (0)551 39-10242,

Received on Tuesday, 29 January 2008 09:27:13 UTC