New use case ISO 3166 and its issues


Last year I gave a talk about "Encoding changing country codes for the
Semantic Web with ISO 3166 and SKOS" at the 2nd International Conference
on Metadata and Semantics Research (MTSR 2007). I finally the finished
the revised paper which is accessible at
It deals about encoding ISO 3166 country codes with SKOS and raises 
some problems of the current specification. In short these are:

NOTATIONS (ISSUE-79): Notations are artificial codes used in some
thesauri and classification schemes. Skos should define a way how to
deal with notations. You need either a property or something in the
language code.

Last year I proposed to use the 'zxx' language code but with RFC 4646 we
could use a better way. If the skos specification defines to use the
private language subtag 'x-notation' for notations, you could encode
things like:

iso3166:FR a skos:Concept ;
  skos:prefLabel "France"@en ;
  skos:prefLabel "FR@x-notation-twoletter" ;
  skos:prefLabel "FRA@x-notation-threeletter" ;
  skos:prefLabel "250@x-notation-numerical" .

I don't know if this is a final solution for notations, but in any way
must be an explicit recommendation how to deal with notations in skos.

GROUPING OF CONCEPT SCHEMES (ISSUE-??): ISO 3166 consists of different
parts that build opon another. ISSUE-33 solved encoding of concept
hierarchies with skos:Collection and skos:member - but what about
nesting Concept Schemes? Several schemes contain parts that can also
be used independently. The best solution I could found so far is to make
skos:ConceptScheme a subclass of skos:Collection so you can say:

iso3166-1: a skos:ConceptScheme .
iso3166-2: a skos:ConceptScheme .

iso3166: a skos:ConceptScheme ;
  skos:member iso3166-1: ;
  skos:member iso3166-2: .

CHANGES AND VERSIONING (ISSUE-??): Knowledge organization schemes change
over time. You can track changes via versioning. Different versions can
be connected with the skos mapping vocabulary. I gave an example of
changing and versioning with skos:exactMatch, skos:narrowMatch,
skos:broadMatch, and owl:sameAs (!). I found no problem so far, but
maybe I missed something. In general you should stress more the
importance to assign new URIs for concept that have changed. Management
of changes belongs to any good knowledge organization system, but I am
aware that there are many KOS that live without changes. The final SKOS
recommendation should at least mention it.


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Received on Monday, 28 January 2008 23:30:38 UTC