Re: [SKOS] Amsterdam topic "Semantic Relation Properties"

On 5 Oct 2007, at 12:39, Miles, AJ ((Alistair)) wrote:

> Hi all,
> Sorry again for being too late for the meeting packet.
> As input to the "Semantic Relation Properties" topic, I've written  
> a strawman semantics for skos:broader, skos:narrower and  
> skos:related ...
> [1] < 
> SemanticRelations/MinimalProposal?action=recall&rev=6>
> As with the other strawmen, this proposal tries to make the least  
> ontological commitment, and cater for the different needs of our  
> use cases.
> As I see it, the main decision points for this topic are:
>  * skos:broader is transitive? (yes/no/maybe)
>  * skos:broader is intransitive? (yes/no/maybe)
>  * skos:broader is reflexive? (yes/no/maybe)
>  * skos:broader is irreflexive? (yes/no/maybe)
>  * skos:broader cycles are an error? (yes/no/maybe)


Can you clarify what "error" means in this case?


Sean Bechhofer
School of Computer Science
University of Manchester

Received on Friday, 5 October 2007 13:32:36 UTC