Re: [SKOS] A new proposal for ISSUE-39 ConceptualMappingLinks

Hi Alasdair,

> My interpretation of the fact that there is development of a skos
> mapping vocabulary, which has been further confirmed by Antoine's email,
> is that the semantic relationships defined in the skos core [2] are to
> be used only for relationships between concepts in the same scheme.

Actually no! This is loose wording from me. I should have emphasized 
that the standard semantic relationship (skos:broader etc) are 
*typically* intra-thesaurus, while the mapping links are *typically* 
inter-thesaurus. Actually, I do think we might need skos:broader to 
apply between concept from different schemes for very specific 
situations like concept scheme (controlled) extension.
But I think this is still not settled in the WG, and it was not my aim 
in [3] to make a decision about this. I'll try to remove the 
controversial text...

> A question I would like to raise is how can I specify a mapping between
> a collection in one vocabulary and a concept in another? It really is
> the collection as a whole that matches the concept. However, the
> collection becomes an anonymous node in the rdf. Is it the case that
> each member of the collection should be specified as a narrowMatch of
> the concept?

Indeed the very last part of [3] mentions this problem of mapping 
instances of skos:Concept to something else.
Side comment: I don't see why collection would become anonymous nodes: 
[4] still say that they are of type skos:Collection, for instance...


> [1]
> [2]

Received on Thursday, 29 November 2007 11:48:01 UTC