Tool to create SKOS

Dear all,

I have the pleasure to present you the new Open Source project named 
ThManager. This is an Open Source Tool for creating and visualizing SKOS 
RDF vocabularies.

The tool is being distributed over the Source Forge platform and it is 
available at

The tool has been developed by the Advanced Information Systems 
Laboratory ( <>) of 
the University of Zaragoza (Spain).

The tool has been implemented in Java and has the following features:

· Multi-platform (Windows, Unix). As it has been developed in Java and 
the storage of metadata records is managed directly through the file 
system, the application can be deployed in any platform with the minimum 
requirement of having installed a Java virtual machine.

· Multilingual. The application has been developed following the Java 
internationalization methodology. Nowadays, there are Spanish and 
English versions. With little effort, other languages could be supported.

· Selection and filtering of the thesauri stored in the local repository.

· Description of thesauri by means of metadata in compliance with a 
Dublin Core based application profile for thesaurus. These metadata can 
be either visualized in HTML or edited through a form.

· Visualization of thesaurus concepts. The visualization interface 
includes the following widgets:

o Alphabetic viewer: It provides the list of thesaurus concepts 
alphabetically ordered in the selected language.

o Hierarchical viewer: It provides a tree showing the hierarchical 
structure of thesaurus concepts.

o Concept viewer: For a selected concept it shows all the properties 
allowing additionally the navigation to the related concepts by means of 

o Search tool: It facilitates search of concepts. The searching process 
is based on preferred labels allowing the following criteria: 
“equals”,”starts with” and “contains”.

· Edition of thesaurus content. The tool provides an edition interface 
to modify the content of a thesaurus: creation of concepts, deletion of 
concepts, and update of concept properties.

· Exchange of thesauri according to SKOS format. The export operation 
includes the export of thesaurus metadata.

· Extraction of related concepts in WordNet. It generates an automatic 
mapping of thesaurus concepts against the concepts of Wordnet lexical 

· On-line help by means of PDF visualization.

I hope the tool will be interesting for you. Please, let us know any 
comment, problem or opinion you will have about the tool.

Enjoy ThManager.

Best regards

Javier Lacasta Miguel
Departamento de Informática e Ingeniería de Sistemas
Centro Politécnico Superior, Universidad de Zaragoza
Edificio Ada Byron, María de Luna, 1
E-50018 Zaragoza, España
Tf: 976 76 21 34
Fax: 976 76 19 14

Received on Tuesday, 9 January 2007 16:47:27 UTC