SKOS Core enquiry

Dear all,

I was wondering if you could explain why skos:broader and skos:narrower 
properties have been added as part of the SKOS vocabulary. My query is 
based on the fact that generalization/specification can already be 
represented by properties such as rdfs:subClassOf.

Furthermore,  the Semantic Web tend to claim that reuse is very 
important. However, properties such as skos:subject or 
skos:primarySubject are already present in other languages such as 
foaf:topic and foaf:primaryTopic respectively in FOAF 

The W3C have proposed a draft for Wordnet in RDFS and OWL 
and I was wondering if there was any plans to represent WordNet in SKOS.



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Quentin H. Reul
Computing Science
University of Aberdeen

01224 272485 <>

Received on Monday, 23 October 2006 16:22:53 UTC