SKOS version of WordNet posted to SkosDev

A SKOS version of WordNet 2.0 has been posted to the DataZone of SkosDev, at the following URL:
It is a minimal conversion that focuses on synonyms and definitions, but the XSLT stylesheets are included for anyone who wants to enhance them to embrace additional WordNet features (such as hyper/hyponyms and meronyms).  Two versions of the SKOS conversion are included.  The first consists only of nouns that have synonyms.  The second contains all WordNet words, regardless of whether or not they have synonyms.
I may upgrade it to WordNet 2.1 in the near future, since I was graciously given RDF versions of WordNet 2.1 by a gentleman at the recent International Semantic Web Conference in Athens, GA.  And if you are interested in enhancing the conversion, please let me know, and please contribute it back to the community.
My thanks to Alistair Miles and Mark van Assem for helping to make it happen.  Enjoy!
John M. Linebarger, PhD
Sandia National Laboratories
Albuquerque, NM, USA

Received on Saturday, 18 November 2006 00:50:04 UTC