Re: How to use notations from classification schemes in SKOS

On 2/13/06, Svensson, Lars <> wrote:

> Classification schemes like the Universal Decimal Classification, MCS,
> or PACS usually have two human-readable labels: One containing a
> notation (usually a combination of digits and letters following a
> specific syntax, so that it's possible to see super-/subclass
> relationships and ideally to identify precoordinated notations), the
> other one being kind of free-format text only. Both labels are intended
> for human use.

For the (potentially) machine-readable label the info: URI scheme may
offer a possible approach.

It seems to me that mapping between the relationship definitions and a
SKOS representation would have to be per-scheme, so it might make
sense to keep the mapping separate from the naming. With info: you
could assign (SKOS-opaque) URIs to the terms, then label & describe
relationships using SKOS (the whole lot could perhaps be generated on
the fly programmatically based on the existing sheme, but from the
RDF/OWL viewpoint it'd all be declarative).



Received on Monday, 13 February 2006 13:45:42 UTC