Re: Quick Guide to Publishing a Thesaurus on the Semantic Web

[My apologies for posting this to the list, but I have been unable to get a 
message through from my ISP to either of Mark's addresses.]

Hi Mark,

At 19:30 3/05/2005, Mark van Assem wrote:

>I think that enough examples of such thesauri can be found to warrant 
>naming this explicitly.

What are some of these examples? I'm not arguing the point, just curious to 
know about thesauri that are managed in XML, and how they are so managed. I 
honestly don't know of any at all, i.e. they don't appear anywhere on the 
horizon of the thesauri that I am familiar with or have worked with.

Thanks very much for satisfying my curiosity...



Received on Wednesday, 4 May 2005 10:47:38 UTC