Re: issue: non-Literal "comment" properties Re: new draft of SKOS Core guide

[sigh; typo'd the WG address. Please follow up to this one 
instead. Sorry for the noise]

* Dan Brickley <> [2005-02-11 12:54-0500]
> +cc: SWBP WG
> Just noticed something that looks to me like a bug; sorry
> I didn't catch it earlier.
> defines 3 idioms for documentation, and 8 properties for 
> public or private notes, definitions, examples etc.
> They are all defined as sub-property of rdfs:comment.
> [[
> There are three recommended usage patterns for the SKOS Core
> documentation properties:
>     * Documentation as an RDF Literal
>     * Documentation as a Related Resource Description
>     * Documentation as a Document Reference
> ]]
> Unfortunately, only the first clearly fits with the definition 
> of (the 2nd might, I'd 
> need to check); I'm sure the 3rd doesn't. The RDFS spec defines
> the range of rdfs:comment to be rdfs:Literal. And documents aren't 
> literals.
> My suggestion would be to drop the 'subPropertyOf' assertion, and
> perhaps record an issue on this, since there is some appeal to 
> having the 'documentation as an RDF Literal' idiom show up as a 
> use of rdfs:comment, and there is some appeal to using the other 
> idioms. And we already have 8 properties; not sure we'd really 
> want 16 if we duplicated them. 
> As an aside, I'd be interested to see 'best practice' for using
> hypertext in SKOS and in RDFS/OWL definitions and comments. Perhaps
> using one of the cut-down (mobile oriented) XHTML profiles...
> cheers,
> Dan
> <rdf:Property rdf:about="">
>   <rdfs:isDefinedBy
> rdf:resource=""/>
>   <rdfs:label>comment</rdfs:label>
>   <rdfs:comment>A description of the subject resource.</rdfs:comment>
>   <rdfs:domain
> rdf:resource=""/>
>   <rdfs:range
> rdf:resource=""/>
> </rdf:Property>

Received on Friday, 11 February 2005 17:58:31 UTC