RE: pls keep Concepts and documents disjoint

On Tue, 21 Sep 2004, Miles, AJ (Alistair)  wrote:

>> > However, I would suggest that the SKOS guide should be
>> neutral on all this
>... but the new SKOS Core Guide and Vocab Spec (under development) are going
>to have lots of examples, and if the rest of the world is anything like me,
>they won't read anything else but the examples.  So whatever style gets
>chosen for the examples I'm guessing is going to get copied and pasted alot.


>In the examples I prepared so far for the new vocab spec (see e.g. [1]) I
>used slash style URIs ... should I change these to hashes?  It would be nice
>to use a consistent style throughout, but that means making a choice.

Following the point you cite above, if you make a choice people are going to
copy it, not read the arcane discussion at the end. Personally I really
prefer the style and I
don't believe that most people will look at it if they are using the lovely
SKOS-aware tools that are coming out. If you had and the syntax might make
more sense to people anyway, but I don't think it's that important.

But if you really want to be neutral you should mix stuff...

(My preference is that you don't. Based on my personal leanings in this
argument :-)



Received on Tuesday, 21 September 2004 15:48:40 UTC