Re: search labels

so what property name would you suggest?

skos:searchLabel ?


Es begab sich aber zu der Zeit 15.10.2004 10:52,  da Leonard Will schrieb:

> In message <> on Fri, 15 Oct 2004, Leo 
> Sauermann <> wrote
>> In my bookmarks in mozilla it says somehting like "keywords" so would 
>> this be a better idea for a skos:keywords thing?
> I dislike the expression "keywords" and think it is best avoided, 
> because it is ambiguous and used loosely with different meanings.
> Sometimes it means terms from the text of a document used for 
> retrieval (as in "keyword in context (KWIC) indexing"), sometimes it 
> means descriptors or indexing terms assigned to the document from a 
> controlled vocabulary, and sometimes it means uncontrolled terms 
> assigned to the document by the indexer.
> Leonard

Received on Monday, 18 October 2004 09:22:06 UTC