- From: Alexander Sigel <sigel@wim.uni-koeln.de>
- Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 18:59:43 +0100
- To: <public-esw-thes@w3.org>
- Cc: <g.hopmans@mssm.nl>
- Message-ID: <F18091DBF62C0849A69BC306A7BE9FBB0CBA47@mailserv.wim.uni-koeln.de>
Dear list, Gabriel Hopmans of Morpheus (g.hopmans@mssm.nl) today made me aware of ongoing discussion on this list about subject identification in relation to thesauri which is close to XTM published subjects but - except the recent PSI nocturne invitation by Bernard Vatant - http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-esw-thes/2004Nov/0016.html does not explicitly mention them. Maybe my understanding is limited here, since I hitherto have not been a regular follower of this list, but I think it is crucial that SW best practice include XTM for concept identification, interrelation and mapping. "Official URI" would be in XTM terminology a PSI issued from the thesaurus owner, an "inofficial" a PSI issued by anyone. I see a very centralistic world view when A J Miles states that one might want to discourage decentrally issued SIPs. In my view, this capability, combined with identity assertions decentrally issued by even more players, will be the key to emerging ontologies and distributed knowledge management in an empistemologically open world. Knowledge workers in discourse communities will provide PSIs in a P2P fashion, and the mapping problem is tackled by issuing identity assertions as part of the discourse in a p2p fashion. This is related to a postmodern theory of knowledge organization. I also want to point you to my discussion of the basic question "How can we, with principled Knowledge Organization, prepare for better semantic interoperability between independently authored Topic Maps and between independently operated PSI registries?" Chapter 15: Topic Maps in Knowledge Organization, p. 386, in: Park & Hunting: XML Topic Maps. Creating and Using Topic Maps for the Web. Addison-Wesley 2002/2003. (here is an earlier draft: http://kpeer.wim.uni-koeln.de/~sigel/veroeff/XTM-Book/ko-tm-3-02-01.pdf <http://kpeer.wim.uni-koeln.de/~sigel/veroeff/XTM-Book/ko-tm-3-02-01.pdf > ) And p. 416: "Arbitrary proliferation of the introduction of new terms should be avoided with an appropriate [PSI] registry architecture." (And more on recurring challenges and bottom-up construction of KOSs by discourse communities on p. 430f.) And p. 433: "I assume that an architecture for Topic Maps published subject registries will be necessariliy decentralized since the common trend in Knowlege Organization goes from centrally controlled Knowledge Organization systems with normative authority to decentrally provided metadata." A J Miles: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-esw-thes/2004Nov/0009.html <quote> In the mean time, we would like to be able to publish RDF descriptions of existing thesauri, for which there are no 'official' concept URIs. One practise has been, in this case, to make up unofficial URIs. However, this practise can obviously lead to the proliferation of multiple URIs for the same concept. Although the mechanisms obviously exist to cope with this, from a pragmatic point of view it might make sense to discourage this practise, unless absolutely necessary, where alternatives exist and it can be avoided. </quote> McCathieNevile this morning seems a bit closer to XTM PSIs: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-esw-thes/2004Nov/0023.html <quote> For instance, if you describe a concept from a thesaurus, using the URI http://example.com/Foo and I describe something and give it the URI http://example.com/Bar I can then say <http://example.com/Bar> owl:sameAs <http://example.com/Foo> - i.e. the descriptions are about the same thing, and you can collapse the two decriptions into one. If we agree on this, well and good, and we might provide mutual crossreferences to each other's URIs, so people can do some basic trust checking ("fred says he knows john, john says he knows fred" is more reliable than "fred says he knows john" - especially on the web). </quote> The posting by Leonard Will From: Leonard Will [mailto:L.Will@willpowerinfo.co.uk <mailto:L.Will@willpowerinfo.co.uk> ] Sent: 05 November 2004 12:20 forwarded to this list some minutes ago is also very close to PSIs. In addition I want to point you to the paper by Steve Pepper and Sylvia Schwab on Curing the Web's identity crisis: http://www.ontopia.net/topicmaps/materials/identitycrisis.html how Subject Indicators can help answer the question "What do URIs identify?". [March 2003] It also appeared in the September issue of interChange, the newsletter of the International SGML/XML Users' Group. (from the Report from Extreme Markup 2003) Regards alex ----- Alexander Sigel, M.A., Researcher in Semantic Knowledge Networking sigel@wim.uni-koeln.de, +49 221 470-5322, http://kpeer.wim.uni-koeln.de/ U Cologne, Dept. of Information Systems & Information Management office: Pohligstr. 1, Room 406, 50969 Cologne, GERMANY
Received on Wednesday, 10 November 2004 18:05:47 UTC