RE: [Proposal][SKOS-Core] handling top concepts

> Thanks, this identifies a discomfort I've had w/ interactions between 
> 'top concept' notion and thesaurus mixing. At heart you're saying 
> 'top concept' is a relation between a a scheme/dataset/thesaurus and
> a concept. Makes sense to me.
> So would this be:
> <owl:FunctionalProperty 
> rdf:about="http:///....../skos/core#hasTopConcept"/>
> ie. anything that has a skos:hasTopConcept has only one such thing?

Thanks Dan.

The original idea was that a scheme has several skos:hasTopConcept
properties, pointing to the top level concepts for that scheme (i.e. so not

If we made skos:hasTopConcept functional, each scheme would have to be
defined with a single root concept ... do you think it's worth doing it that


Received on Wednesday, 4 August 2004 12:27:55 UTC