Design Issue (3) - How to label concepts? Dropping soks:altLabel

Hi Dave,

I'm quite happy to ditch 'soks:altLabel' and assume all 'rdfs:label's that
are not 'soks:prefLabel' are alternatives.  This is definitely more


> My suggestion implicitly had "altLabel" as a label which is not a 
> perfLabel. This might have some advantages when it comes to 
> merging. If you 
> have two thesauri with differing perferred terms for the same 
> concept the 
> merge would just have two prefLabels and all else (not 
> preferred in either) 
> would be treated as alt. Don't know enough about how thesauri 
> are used in 
> practice to know if that is beter or worse.

Received on Monday, 10 November 2003 08:33:45 UTC