RE: EPUB for Education JavaScript API

> Does anyone know if the API, as described in the draft spec, is likely to be standardized in the reasonably near future?

My best guess would be no, at least for the reasonably near future part. There were a number of IDPF specs that didn't get finished before the merger, edupub being one of them, and it's not clear which, if any, will be taken up again. There were discussions about decomposing edupub into smaller parts, but not sure what became of that.

A question for the ongoing charter discussions.


-----Original Message-----
From: Cay Horstmann <> 
Sent: March 3, 2020 11:47
Subject: EPUB for Education JavaScript API

Hello, I am looking at the EPUB for Education JavaScript API at 

I use an earlier (and slightly different) version of the API with great 
success in VitalSource EPUBs, and am building tools to help with the 
development of new interactive exercise types.

Does anyone know if the API, as described in the draft spec, is likely 
to be standardized in the reasonably near future?




Cay S. Horstmann | |

Received on Saturday, 7 March 2020 23:26:46 UTC