Re: Chemistry Agenda Wednesday February 20, 2019 15 UTC, 10:00 a.m. New York

As George has mentioned and quoted my original post, I want to fill in
the missing links. contains a number of examples
how to make structural formulas accessible.
We have helped preparing a best practice for The Netherlands, which is
It's all in Dutch, but I suppose you still get the idea. All the
formulas are navigatable, can be traversed and explored. There's two
different ways to read: novice and expert mode.

As someone mentioned condensed formulas in an earlier post. If you,
for example, navigate this version of Aspirin:
and switch off the expert mode (press 'E') then all functional groups
are spoken as condensed formulas.


Received on Tuesday, 19 February 2019 20:08:02 UTC