[epub3-cg] Choosing Chairs

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to the EPUB3 Community Group!

Much to my surprise, I found myself listed on the group website as a
co-chair [1]. At least one other co-chair was also surprised by this
information. Does anyone know how this happened? Our charter [2] says,

"Participants in this group choose their Chair(s) and can replace
their Chair(s)at any time using whatever means they prefer, subject to
the consent of the W3C Publishing BG."

But that doesn't really shed any light on the current situation.


Dave Cramer

[1] https://www.w3.org/community/epub3/participants
[2] https://www.w3.org/2017/02/EPUB3CGcharter

Received on Wednesday, 8 February 2017 16:36:19 UTC