Re: EPUB 3.1 title and subtitle of a work, multiple roles of creators and contributors

Le 01/04/2017 à 15:08, Dr. Olaf Hoffmann a écrit :

Hello Olaf,

> a) Assume we have a work with title and subtitle.

The only way I found is through a 3.1 meta element. I found it
rather suboptimal since dealing with titles and subtitles now
relies on two different element types (from a DOM perspective).

> b) The display-seq value for property can matter for other issues as well

Right. I have no answer at all here.

> How to do this in 3.1?
> For each role one has to repeat the creator or contributor element with the 
> same name, but different role, maybe each time as well the file-as attribute now 
> instead of providing it once with one meta element?

As far as I can tell from the spec, that's correct and I think you're
raising a very valid concern and potentially valid issue on the spec.

Section 3.4.2 of Packages 3.1 reads, in the opf-role definition:

  the value must be a three-letter lowercase code

Maybe this needs to be changed to a comma-separated list of three-
letter lowercase codes and it's probably urgent. Do you want to file the
issue at



Received on Saturday, 1 April 2017 14:22:56 UTC