Re: Feedback Required: NA/EU Meeting Time

+1 for meeting on Mondays (I'm generally not available on Fridays)
-0 on timing (15 or 16 UTC w/b a better option for me)


> On 6 Jan 2021, at 19:16, Reid, Wendy <> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Happy New Year!
> In the last meeting of 2020, it was brought up that a change in the NA/EU meeting time (currently 10AM Boston Time on Fridays) would be something the group was interested in.
> The proposed new time was to use the old PWG meeting time (for those who were in the group), which is Mondays at 12PM Boston time (17 UTC <>). 
> If you are in support of this change, please reply to this email with +1, if you would prefer to keep things as they are, reply -1.
> The second part of this question is the timing of the meetings. We won’t be changing the NA/JP meeting time, however, moving the NA/EU meeting to Mondays means we have one of 2 scenarios:
> 1 – Meeting twice in one week, Mondays and Thursdays/Fridays, with alternating weeks off
> 2 – Meeting on Thursday/Friday and then the following Monday, same schedule
> If you vote +1 for the change, please also include your preference for meeting timing.
> Thanks,
> Wendy, Dave, and Shinya

Received on Thursday, 7 January 2021 10:27:09 UTC