Re: EOCred: recognition of credential

Thanks Stuart,

The sense I got arose from comments from Fritz 
[1] about accreditation being more important than recognition, and from 
Nate Otto 
[2] about trust and verfiability.  I am not sure how widely these 
concerns are shared or whether my replies [3 
and [4 
addressed them satisfactorily.

If we can clarify those points one way or the other that would be great.



On 15/05/18 14:01, Stuart Sutton wrote:
> Phil, I am not so certain that there isn't consensus around the 
> original proposal for a recognizedBy property with a domain of 
> EducationalOccupationalCredential and a range of Organization [1]. 
> Just because there is a likelihood that such claims by the owner of a 
> credential might well need to be verified for maximum ease and 
> utility, that doesn't negate the need for a credential provider to be 
> able to make the claim. And, as you rightly note, a new recognizedBy 
> property would be only one of many claims made through other 
> <> properties that could benefit from 
> being verifiable. So while agreeing that there needs to be a more 
> general mechanism for handling verifiable claims, first, we need to be 
> able to make such claims and second, its an issue to be solved beyond 
> this property.
> Since I have heard nothing in opposition to a recognizedBy property 
> itself, I'd say you should, at least for now, call going once, going 
> twice, included. We can always revisit as the full package of 
> properties for a useful EducationalOccupationalCredential comes into 
> view.
> [1] 
> <>
> On Tue, May 15, 2018 at 2:36 AM, Phil Barker < 
> <>> wrote:
>     OK, I am getting the sense that there isn't a particularly strong
>     consensus around how to deal with this issue, so I shall park it
>     for now. We can reconsider parked issues when we review the
>     proposal we put forward to <>.
>     Phil
>     On 03/05/18 11:01, Phil Barker wrote:
>>     Thanks Nate, that's interesting about 'endorsements' being claims
>>     that could be verified. I agree that in many use case it will
>>     important to provide evidence or proof of authority for
>>     statements like 'This EOCredential is recognised by X'. (By the
>>     way one potential point of confusion if a driving licence is a
>>     credential: in the UK an endorsement
>>     <> on a driving
>>     licence indicates the driver has been penalized for some
>>     infringement. Get enough endorsements and you'll be disqualified
>>     from driving.)
>>     As a matter of fact I think this issue of verifiability is
>>     pertains to many <> statements. If I
>>     use <> to say that I work for PJJK
>>     Limited, would you believe me? Or that my name is Phil Barker? Or
>>     that I wrote a certain scientific paper, and that I hold the
>>     copyright for it? So I would say that
>>     <> properties like worksFor
>>     <>, name <>,
>>     author <>, and in fact pretty much every
>> <> property, could be treated as
>>     relating to a claim that requires verification for some
>>     use-cases. So I think that a mechanism for verifiable claims made
>>     as statements using <> should be a
>>     general one that works across all properties (have a look at how
>>     Role <> provides more information about a
>>     relationship or property for one way of addressing a similar
>>     problem).
>>     I agree that providing a mechanism for verifying claims made on
>>     the web is an important thing to do, and I agree that it would be
>>     useful to do this for claims encoded in
>>     <>, but (as you know) it is a general (and
>>     difficult) problem.
>>     I don't think it is the problem we are trying to solve with
>> <> /here/.
>>     I would state our use case as this:
>>         A website / email / other text includes the [unverified]
>>         statement that an educational occupational credential is
>>         recognized by some relevant organization. We wish to make
>>         that statement more easily processed by computers through
>>         semantic markup.
>>     Extension of use case:
>>         The same mark up may be used to provide similar information
>>         as structured data independently of text on a web page or
>>         other medium.
>>     Does that seem like a reasonable use case to address? Is it
>>     useful to make unverified claims about recognition of credentials
>>     machine readable?
>>     If so, is there any improvement to the definition of the
>>     recognizedBy property that would help clarify that the claim to
>>     recognition may require further verification?
>>     Regards, Phil
>>     On 02/05/18 21:14, Nate Otto wrote:
>>>     For some extra context/flavor:
>>>     In Open Badges, we use the W3C Verifiable Credentials
>>>     vocab/methodology to enable 3rd parties to create Endorsements
>>>     that describe their recognition of a particular defined
>>>     Credential. This is still early days, but in the current version
>>>     of the OB vocabulary, there is a property that allows publishers
>>>     to identify the "endorsements" that have been awarded to the
>>>     Credential (or to the Issuer, or to the awarded instance of the
>>>     credential).
>>>     Because each endorsement is separately verifiable, the
>>>     publisher's word doesn't need to be trusted when they describe
>>>     organizations/individuals who recognize the badge. This means
>>>     that the relationship is actually between the (Credential ->
>>>     Endorsement -> Issuer of the Endorsement), not directly
>>>     (Credential -> Issuer of the Endorsement)
>>>     If we add in a recognizedBy feature in the vocabulary, it might
>>>     be useful to define use cases for how this data is published
>>>     (who is publishing it, where, and for what audience?) and
>>>     when/why that published data should be trusted by consumers.
>>>     This might yield additional properties we might need in order to
>>>     support those use cases, or we might want to go the Open Badges
>>>     route of modeling the Endorsement of the credential itself as an
>>>     intermediate relationship.
>>>     Nate
>>     -- 
>>     Phil Barker <>.
>>     PJJK Limited <>: technology to enhance
>>     learning; information systems for education.
>>     CETIS LLP <>: a cooperative consultancy
>>     for innovation in education technology.
>>     PJJK Limited is registered in Scotland as a private limited
>>     company, number SC569282.
>>     CETIS is a co-operative limited liability partnership, registered
>>     in England number OC399090
>     -- 
>     Phil Barker <>.
>     PJJK Limited <>: technology to enhance
>     learning; information systems for education.
>     CETIS LLP <>: a cooperative consultancy
>     for innovation in education technology.
>     PJJK Limited is registered in Scotland as a private limited
>     company, number SC569282.
>     CETIS is a co-operative limited liability partnership, registered
>     in England number OC399090


Phil Barker <>.
PJJK Limited <>: technology to enhance learning; 
information systems for education.
CETIS LLP <>: a cooperative consultancy for 
innovation in education technology.

PJJK Limited is registered in Scotland as a private limited company, 
number SC569282.
CETIS is a co-operative limited liability partnership, registered in 
England number OC399090

Received on Tuesday, 15 May 2018 14:42:32 UTC