Re: EOCred: cost of a credential

Strike "requires" in the last two paragraphs, replace with "qualifications"

On Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 3:23 AM, Fritz Ray <> wrote:

> I feel like we could extend Offer in a way that perhaps takes care of the
> restrictiveness of eligableCustomerType.
> If we make a hollow class inbetween CreativeWork and EOC, say CreativeWork
> > Credential > EOC then we could propose a property in Offer: '
> qualifications <>' adding a range of
> 'Credential'
> The use case I can think of immediately is: One cannot get a bank account
> without a form of identification (a type of Credential), one cannot buy
> insurance without a Driver's License. One cannot work in classified areas
> without a Security Clearance (which is not an EOC)
> Regional credentials or citizenship could also be required to get
> different types of offers (a discount if one's a registered veteran, a
> member of a professional society, or some such) that, as Richard mentioned,
> could have different pricing.
> Requires could also be used in other areas.
> Demand could also have 'requires', for situation where one needs a
> commercially insured driver, or an individual with a certain degree to
> satisfy their demand.
> JobPosting could add Credential to the range of 'qualifications'
> On Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 3:04 AM, Richard Wallis <
>> wrote:
>> +1
>> I would just add, for those not familiar with Offer
>> <> a *Thing* [an EducationalOccupationalCredential
>> in this case] can be the subject of multiple *offers*.  Also Offer has
>> an offeredBy <> property linking to the
>> offering organisation or person.
>> These enable use cases of an organisation offering the same
>> *EducationalOccupationalCredent**ial* at differing costs to different
>> subjects with differing eligibility and; 3rd parties listing disparate
>> organisations offering the same *EducationalOccupationalCredent**ial*.
>> ~Richard
>> Richard Wallis
>> Founder, Data Liberate
>> Linkedin:
>> Twitter: @rjw
>> On 26 January 2018 at 10:40, Phil Barker <> wrote:
>>> I want to try and keep some momentum by doing some of the quick and easy
>>> use cases while we discuss the more difficult ones. I think this is one:
>>> Cost
>>> Having found a credential it should be possible to identify the cost of
>>> acquiring the credential.
>>> Requires: ability to show relevant cost for educational / occupational
>>> credential objects
>>> Note: this implies that a credential is offered
>>> This is the cost of the credential itself, not the cost of courses,
>>> training or other things required in order to earn the credential (these
>>> costs can be shown when describing those other things).
>>> has means for specifying the cost of things with the offers
>>> <> property which we could use. If
>>> EducationalOccupationalCredential is a CreativeWork, then we already
>>> have the offers property (if it is not, we may need change the domain of
>>> the existing offers property)
>>> A simple example
>>> {
>>>   "@context": "" <>,
>>>   "@type": "EducationalOccupationalCredential",
>>>   "url" : ""
>>> <>,
>>>   "name": "CMALT",
>>>   "description": "Certified Membership of the Association for Learning
>>> Technology",
>>>   "offers": {
>>>     "@type": "Offer",
>>>     "name": "Registration fee (UK)",
>>>     "price": "150",
>>>     "priceCurrency": "GBP"
>>>   }
>>> }
>>> Offers <> can get quite complex, allowing
>>> different currencies, different offers for different regions, add on offers
>>> etc.  I think it would cover our needs adequately; the only potential
>>> problem I can see is that eligibleCustomerType as defined is too
>>> restrictive to provide information like "special price for military
>>> veterans". My approach to this would be to 1) raise this as an issue with
>>> 2) provide text values anyway ( allows this)
>>> Any objections? Have I missed anything?
>>> Phil
>>> --
>>> Phil Barker <>.
>>> PJJK Limited <>: technology to enhance learning;
>>> information systems for education.
>>> CETIS LLP: a cooperative consultancy for innovation in education
>>> technology.
>>> PJJK Limited is registered in Scotland as a private limited company,
>>> number SC569282.
>>> CETIS is a co-operative limited liability partnership, registered in
>>> England number OC399090

Received on Friday, 26 January 2018 11:29:42 UTC